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Nishtha felt at peace the moment she entered her palace like home. Today, was one of the most hectic day for her, thanks to the scandal that broke out, about one of her most influential client, making every one run around like headless chickens.

It took her and her team an entire day to do the damage control, attending back to back meetings, doing press conference and placating the client in between.

All she needed was the safe heaven of her husband's arms around her and a glass of red wine with his cuddling and pampering. Whenever she had such a tiring day; irrespective of his day, he'll always pamper her. Thinking about him brought a unknowing sweet smile to her lips.

With dragging feet she climbed up the stairs, knowing that her husband is home, as she's seen his Lamborghini parked in the garage.

She opened the door to her room, hoping to find her husband reclining on the love seat, as usual; instead what she found made the ground slipped through her feet. Her hand bag and files fell on the floor with a loud thud. Making the naked girl lying on her bed, looked up at her with a sympathetic look, even though she tried to cover her naked body with the bed-cover, but it couldn't hide the love bites on her neck, as if mocking her. She couldn't believe her eyes, she was still in shock when she heard the click of the bathroom's door and there came her husband with a towel tied on his waist and droplets of water clinging to his skins after a shower. She didn't know what to think anymore, never in her wildest dream did she expect to find her husband in such a compromising state. She had blind faith and trust on their love. 

Trying to act strong, controlling her tears, she looked at him and asked brokenly. " Please tell me this is not true."

But her husband gave her a blank look, as if her broken state didn't effect him in the least.

"Why do you want me to lie?" He asked her plainly without a hint of guilt. She couldn't believe how could someone so loving and caring could turn into a emotionless cruel monster in just a blink of an eye.

"Well everything is in front of your eyes, me denying it won't make a difference. Now will it? After all you are a smart woman." He drawled out cruelly. Making her break into pieces in the process.

"I... You... -"  was all she could utter before the tears started to travel down her face. Without uttering a single word, she walked up to him and slapped him hard across his face, making his face turn to a side with the impact. 

Looking at him, with a look of helpless, betrayal, love, anger, pain, mixture of all the emotions running through her eyes; tears running down her face, she just shook her head at him and ran away without looking back. Leaving her emotionless husband to enjoy his life as he desires.


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