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It took Vikrant more than two hours to go through the entire file, but it was worth it. Now he understood why Ashima has referred  Ms. Rawat for this project.

What he could gauge so far from the file, is that, she is a force to be reckoned with, she's always two steps ahead and she's their best bet for this project. The company has made there name all because of her hard work over the last two years. And he was immensely impressed by it, which is very rare for him. Very few people can impress him and it seems she's one of them.

Next day he reached the Media House fifteen minutes prior the set time for the meeting. Just to observe the working of the inner office, as the environment within the office is a dead give away about the organization. How dedicated and disciplined the staff is about their work.

He could see that everyone was working like a well oiled machine. After lunch time people get a bit lethargic, but here the scenario was different, everyone was behaving as if it was nine O'clock in the morning not 2:30pm. Satisfied with his observation he walked up to the receptionist and introduced himself.

Surprisingly for him, she didn't bat an eye at him, rather in a very professional manner she welcomed him and guided towards the conference room; informing him that Mr. Singhal will join him shortly.

A few minutes later a man in his mid fifties entered the room, he was bald with a serious expression on his face but the twinkle in his eyes cannot go amiss, twinkle of a happy and a satisfied man.

"Good afternoon Mr. Shekhawat" Vishal Singhal greeted him, forwarding his hand to shake his.

"Would you like to have coffee?"

"No thanks. Let's just get to the point without waisting either of our time. I am not going to beat around the bush. We want to hire your firm to work for our new project, at whatever price you set but there is only one condition of ours - that Ms. Rawat will lead this project and she'll have to work from our office. Rest is your choice." Mr. Singhal looked reclined back in his chair in deep thought rubbing his chin.

"Hmmm.. what if Ms. Rawat doesn't agree on your condition. Let me tell you one thing Mr. Shekhawat, no matter what offer you put on the table. The final decision will be made by her." His reply made Vikrant frown at him.

"I don't understand. She's just an employee and that to at a managerial level. If I am not mistaken?" Confusion was clear in his voice.

"Yes that's correct. But that doesn't mean that I'll force her to shift office. It's a decision which she'll have to make. So I cannot commit to you. Unfortunately." Mr. Singhal sounded a bit apologetic; after all it was the biggest business for their firm so far.

"If that's the case then call her up, I'll talk to her." He suggested.

"Unfortunately you can't talk to her for a week. She's on a leave and out of town."

"Well then there isn't any point for this meeting now. I'll give a week's time and if you don't have an answer then this deal is off. We have many other firms lining up to get this job." He said ruthlessly and walked off without giving Mr. Singhal a chance to rebuke.

It was wrong to say that he was frustrated because he was hanging by a thread not to blast off.

He sat in his car taking deep breaths, to calm himself down. He thought today at least this issue would be ticked off his list. But unfortunately he couldn't do much except to wait for Ms. Rawat to grace them with her answers.

What a waste of time. He thought to himself.

The ring of his phone brought his mind back from Ms. Rawat.

He took the phone out of his pocket and saw that it was Ashima. If it was someone else he wouldn't have received the call in this mindset, but seeing that it was Ashima, he instantly received it.

"Hey! Are you alright?" He asked in panic.

In reply he heard her giggle making him more grumpy but he let out a relieved sigh that she is fine.

"Laugh all you want. Here I am concerned about you and you are busy making fun of me."

Hearing the frustration in his tone she understood that the meeting didn't go according to his expectation.

"What happened in the meeting to make you grumpier then your usual grumpy self?"

"Well you found the best PR firm for us but you failed to confirm whether or not they'll work as per our conditions." He huffed out.

"Aahh... could you please elaborate for the lesser known being like us?" She teased him.

"Ashi am not in the mood for your jokes right now. Ms. Rawat is not available for a week and Mr. Singhal didn't give any commitment to us because of our conditions. He said  outright that she is the one who'll take the decision."

"So what's the issue in it wait for a week I am sure no one can deny to work for us. This is an esteemed project and everyone would want their name to be associated with it." She tried to placate him.

"Even I thought that but apparently there is a high chance that  Ms. Rawat will deny to work from our office." He told her the root cause of his stress.

"That's fine. Do one thing leave this to me. Don't worry she'll join our officefrom next month."

"No way, are out of your mind, neither of us is going to let you work in this condition. I think of a way." He said firmly.

"Eth, listen to me. I am not going to take a step out of the house so don't worry I do have my ways. Don't forget,  with whom you are speaking."

He knew that there is no winning from her.

"Fine. Do whatever you want but don't you dare step out of the house alone without informing me. I have another meeting to attented. I'll get back to you later. Take care of yourself and call me immediately if you have even a slight discomfort.  Am I clear?" He ordered her.

"Aye aye captain." She mocked him. " don't worry about me. I'll take care of my self. Bye."

He disconnected the call,rubbed his face, straightened his shoulder, took a long deep breath before starting the car.

Atleast one thing was off his shoulders. He knew that Ashima would take care of this matter and Ms. Rawat would be present in the meeting next month in their office.


Until next time.

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