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Vikrant saw her fidgiting with the ring on her finger - a telltale sign she's going to enter the fight and flee mode pretty soon. He decided to lose this battle to win the war. He relented and followed her lead of being thoroughly professional, for now. Even though all he wanted to do was to yank her dainty figure in his arm and never let go. Sighing internally he gave her once over. Well time didn't change her one bit physically, but the childlike sparkle from her eyes has been been dimished and instead maturity was shining through.

He knew that she was equally shocked to find him here and their past has taught him that just one chance and she'll be out of here like light. So he decided to tread carefully because he not only wanted but needed her to take this project and most importantly he wants to be with her even for a little while will be sufficient for him to end a lifetime or so he told himself.

He turned his entire focus to make her agree to take up this project. He knew that a person with her tenacity and the testimonies of her clientele, she will give this project the desired push which they have been seeking.

Clearing his throat, putting on the most professional face.

"I apologise on behalf of my secretary for making you wait." He began awkwardly to break the ice.

"That's all right." She replied stiffy. Trying loosen up bit, not knowing how to proceed further.

"I believe you've already been briefed about the project and the precarious situation it is in." Gaining more confidence he waited out for her to take the discussion further.

Her slight nod was the green signal that he was looking for.

" Well then, you might know why we need a good PR even before the ground breaking ceremony. This project is a joint venture, in collaboration with some NGOs." He saw her deep focus on his words and proceed further

" I will be honest with you, since you'll be handling the full PR when you take up this job. I don't want you be blind sided in middle of the project. This project is a personal one;  having said that it doesn't mean that this is a charitable project. There are a lot of investors to whom the company is answerable and especially since they were skeptical in investing it."

They began discussing the project details, their voices resonated with professionalism that belied the storm of emotions beneath the surface.

"If you require any further clarification you can contact me directly or my secretary if you are more comfortable with her." The jab didn't go amiss on her.
She gave him a side glare standing up.

"Thank you very much for your time and discussing the project with me. In case WE require any clarification we'll get back to your office." Her sassy reply bought a faintest smile on his lips.
He stood up politely showing her the way out.

If an hour earlier somebody would have told him that he'll come across his Nisha.
He would have looked at them as if they've lost their mind. But now faced with reality, it is the most torturous beautiful dream. Thinking how beautiful there future would have been if only tlhe didn't destroyed them. Unknowingly his palm ran down his face, glcoming incintact with the rigged scar jarring him back to reality. No need to ponder on what ifs. He called his secretary and cancelled all his meeting for the day.

He knew he couldn't function normally after this meeting. How he wanted kill and hug his friends. Laughing at there attempt to play cupid, he let them stay happy in there bubble. Only he knew what they are wishing for will never borne the fruit.
Leaving his office, Nishtha was still not so sure as to what has transpired, from his rakish smile to the professional turnabout wherein they only spoke like professionals as if there has been no shared past between them. She was really perplexed and confused she really didn't want to even share the same air with him. Yet, here she is discussing the full-fledged business project. But the question was how long the tiger was going stay in sheeps clothing. She knew this man more than herself or so she thought at one point of time in life.

She really didn't want to be a part of this project but knew that her organisation needed this project which lead to her dilemma whether or not to be on board with this project. Since the only condition they put forward was that she had to work from his office.

For a moment a it crossed her mind that maybe he is the one who has orchestraed this entire thing, but she discarded this though as quick it came due to the genuine look of surprise on his face when she came face to face and also too much was riding on this project even for him.

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