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This is the first draft with loads of mistake. Feel free to point out. Hope you'll enjoy reading.

Vikrant was in middle of his presentation, when his secretary, Sara, hesitantly entered the conference room, making him frown at her. He knew it must be something important for her to disturb him in the middle of a meeting. He raised his brow at her in question.

She simply gestured towards the phone held in her hand, making him take quick stride towards her. Because he knew the call would be either from Vedant or Ashima; since everyone knew not to ever disturb him in a meeting or else the consequences would be dire for them.

If Sara has brought the phone while the meeting is still going on, it means that something is up with Ashima; who is now eight months pregnant and Vedant is out of town for a meeting.

Since they both know today he has a very important meeting, they'll not disturb him. He took the phone from Sara's hand, turned back to the gentlemen who were looking at him curiously. "Please excuse me for a moment, it's a family emergency." He said in a rush and didn't wait to hear there response.

"Hello. Is everything all right? Are you fine." He didn't even bother to check who've called him and rushed with his question. In return he heard Vedant chuckling at him, making his temper rise.

"Dude everything is fine. Hold your horses. You seem more concerned then me."

"What the he'll Vedant! I thought something has happened with Ashima. Since you called me in the middle of a meeting with the Dante's for the takeover. Don't you ever dare to scare me like this." He breathed out in relief that all is good with her.

"Calm down and I am sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to, it skipped my mind that you have a meeting with them."

"It's fine. Now tell me the reason for this call."

"Well I've solved one the most toughest task, thanks to Ashima. She has found the best PR manager for our project and I did a through research on her. She's our best bet to save this project or else we are going to face huge loses and you and I both know that how difficult it's going to get after that in the current market scenario-"

"Will you just come to the point already, I've got a meeting if you've forgotten." Vikrant cut him in between with sarcasm.

"Well in short and presicse manner, get her on board at any cost or else think of ways to save the company." Saying this Vedant simply disconnected the call making vikrant shook his head at him in irritation.

He was still cursing him when he heard the beep of his phone. It was a text message from Vedant.

Tomorrow at 2:30 pm. DONT FORGET TO REACH ON TIME!!!
And just for your satisfaction I have send the file about this organisation and Ms. Rawat who will work for us. Don't forget we want only Ms. Rawat to work for us. Get her on board at any cost.

Yours Ever hardworking
Vedant ;)

He's going to be a father soon and he still acts like a child sometimes. Chuckling he went went back to the conference room and apologised to everyone for his behaviour before resuming the presentation.

After successfully closing the deal he went back to his cabin and asked Sara to bring in the file on the Media House sent by Vedant, along with a strong cup of coffee.

He felt tired to his bones. It's been one hell of an year, where the investors starting leaving them just because of a rumour, their share prices started falling down at a very fast rate. They didn't have a good PR department to tackle all this timely for which they had to suffer quite a lot loses.

If Vedant says that Ms. Rawat is the one and she's been revered by Ashima then she's a big deal. Because the rumour started budding from this project; that they've gained the rights of this land in an illegal manner; now there project is going to start on this land and they don't want any bad publicity. Especially at such a crucial time when they've dipped there fingers in way more than they can cope with.

Sighing out a breath he rested his head against the chair and started rubbing his head, he could feel the headache coming but he can't do much about it now he'll just bear it. He'll just have a good sleep, popping a tenenol after going through the file thoroughly.

He lifted his head up when he heard the knock on the door and found Sara with a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and a file in another.

He thanked her politely, asked her to keep them on his table and not to disturb him for day. He doesn't smile in office or even anywhere else for that matter. There are only two people in his life who could bring a bit of smile in his face and they are Vedant and Ashima.

He leisurely drank the coffee first because he knew if start reading the file he won't understand a single thing thanks to the thumping headache he have developed. Finishing his coffee he felt like half human, took a long deep breath and started studying the file, as this was going to be the last straw for them to save themselves from the doom, that this project has turned into.

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