Lunch Time

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It was finally lunch time. My favorite time of the day. 

I was looking around for my locker when I saw Ashton at his locker.

I walked towards him and asked , " um hey do you know where locker 1532 is?"

"Hey Hayden. And yeah, it's 2 lockers down from mine." He said as he showed me to my locker.

"Thanks." I said as I opened it and put my stuff in the locker.

"So do you still want to sit with me at lunch or do you wanna sit with your friends?" Ashton asked shyly.

"I haven't made any friends yet so can I sit with you?" I replied. 

"Yeah of course." Ashton smiled.

I got my lunch and closed my locker. Ashton held my hand as we walked into the cafeteria. Once we got there, lots of people were staring at us. We got to a table with 4 other people. 

There was a boy with bright red hair and a eyebrow piercing and he was wearing a football jersey. Then there was a boy with black hair and blonde highlights. He was wearing a soccer uniform. Beside him there was a girl with dirty blonde hair and a cheer uniform. On the other side of the table, there was a tall boy with nicely quiffed, blonde hair.  Lastly there was a girl with long black hair with glasses. 

"Hey guys this is Hayden." Ashton introduced. 

"This is MIchael, Calum, Abby, Luke and Jasmine." He said as he pointed to all of them.

"Hi." I said as sat down beside Jasmine. 

"You're new here right?" Michael asked me.

"Yeah, I moved here from Canada." I responded.

"Canada eh?" Calum said laughing.

"Tell us about yourself Hayden." Jasmine said, taking a bite out of her sandwich. 

"Well, I like dance, photography, archery and reading. I have an older sister who is in Uni. I didn't really have lots of friends at my old school so I mostly stayed at home." I said.

"Don't worry you'll make tons of new friends here. Starting with us." Ashton said and everyone nodded. 

"Thanks guys." I mumbled. 

We continued talking for a bit about classes and teachers until the bell rung. We all got our garbage and threw it away. 

"See you later Hayden!" Abby said as she waved to me.

"Bye!" I smiled. 

Ashton and I walked together to our lockers. When we were getting our things he said," It was nice hanging out with you. Maybe we can hang out sometime again?" 

"Yeah sounds great." I replied.

"Good. I'll see you later." Ashton said as he started walking to his class.

"See you." I said as I continued to get my stuff.

As I closed my locker I saw Jenna coming towards me. 

"Hey Hayden. I was looking for you at lunch." She said frowning.

"I'm sorry. I was sitting with Ashton and his friends." I said.

"Wait, you were sitting with the Ashton Irwin? Our high school's heartthrob and quarterback?" Jenna said in disbelief. 

"Um yeah." I replied confused. 

"I should've warned you about him. He's just an asshole. He's dated and slept with almost every girl in the school. No wait scratch that, almost every girl in this town." She explained.  

"But he seems nice." I arugued.

"Excatly. He acts like a total sweetheart at first, then he'll ask you out and once he sleeps with you, he'll break up with you." Jenna said. 

"If you don't want to get your heart broken, then I suggest you stay away from him." Those were the last words she said before leaving. 


A/N: okay i'm sorry for not updating in like 472456923692 years but i've been super busy. today i'm really sick but I wanted to update :)

you'll find out later why jenna hates ashton so much ;)

annndddddd thanks for 100 reads xx

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