Part 1

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Eric Kavenski is an angel precisely a guardian angel literally. He is very handsome, his eyes are deep blue like an ocean that you can drown in it , he has got curly chestnite brown hair , very red lips , sharp jawline , a bright tan and beautiful dimples that deepen so much when he smiles, he was tall and he has got muscles and six-pack . He has got the most beautiful smile ever that can make you fell in love with it. He works as a guardian angel for a teenage girl named Myriam Argent who lives in London with her parents , she's very talented at drawing and she likes to read . She's so cute, her eyes are brown, she has got long brown and black hair, bright tan, rose lips and a heart of gold . When she is sad or depressed she goes to a place where she can't find anyone and put her headphones, listen to music and start drawing if she's so sad, she may cry while drawing. That's what happens everytime she had a fight with her parents and that happens a lot .The first time she goes to that special place was when she was 16 , she was wearing white shirt with black pants and white sneakers , she was so sad that she doesn't know where she is or how she got there but she likes the place the first time that she lay her eyes on it, in the middle of the woods there was a place that doesn't have so much trees where you can sit down and watch the sunset and the sunrise and the stars in the night .When she sit down on the ground , she started to cry very hard and sob . After a little while, she felt a hand on her shoulder , she freaked out and was going to run but when she turned around and see that tall mysterious handsome boy that was smiling to her , who was wearing grey T-shirt with black pants and white converse, he stopped her from running .
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, I was just wondering what a cute little girl is doing in the middle of the woods alone" He said with a warm smile on his lips and worry in his eyes .
When he ends, she starts crying again, he tries to comfort her with little words but when that doesn't works, he takes her in his arms and lay her head on his chest and caresses her back , after a little while, her breath calms down and she was sleeping . After an hour or so, she woke up and doesn't remember anything but she felt someone's arms around her , she get up and see the mysterious boy still here, his eyes met hers with a charming smile on his face, she was so embarrassed about what happened and starts to apologize for him but he shut her up and tell her that it's not a problem and he offered to walk her to her house. While the walk home, they start to know each other , when she arrives at her house, she thanked him so much for comforting her and for walking with her , he told her that it was his pleasure and he gives her a warm smile, and stay until he make sure that she gets inside the house and she is safe. She enters her bedroom,changed her clothes very fast and lay down on her bed.When she was trying to sleep she started thinking about Eric and how he comfort her and how she felt safe in his arms and she remembered his beautiful smile and his cute dimples, without her attention there was a smile on her lips and she fell asleep thinking about the mysterious boy who called Eric.
The next day, she woke up early and she feels a lot better and full of energy . She get dressed to go to her high school, she was in a good mood , she wears a pink shirt and light blue jeans with white converse and made a ponytail with her hair and take her backpack. Before she goes to her high school she says her goodbyes to her parents with a smile on her face . When she got out of the house , she put her headphones and start walking while listening to the music. In the middle of her way , she meets Eric , he was wearing black shirt with grey pants and white converse and he was smiling at her . Unconsciously a smile grows on her face.
"Hey" she said with hesitation
"Hi, how are you today ?" he asked with a warm smile
"I'm very good thanks to you and you ?" she replied with a big smile on her lips .
"I haven't done anything and I'm fine thanks for asking" he said while they began to walk again . They arrived at their high school after a while and he walked her to her class and say
"I'll meet you at lunch, goodbye" and waves at her and walk away. When lunch break comes, she goes to the cafeteria and eats while she wait for Eric. When Eric entered the cafeteria, he searches with his eyes through the students for Myriam and when he lays his eyes on her, he smiles and goes and sits next to her and they ate in silence . When they finished, Eric said
"I'll wait for you to walk you home, see you later"
"See you , bye" She said with a smile and they walk their separate ways. After the day, she walks to the door and find Eric. Before they start walking she said with hesitation and a little bit of embarrassment and her cheeks start to blush
"Can we go somewhere else because I don't feel like going home right now?" , Eric laughs and replied
"Yeah of course. Where do you want to go?" He asks her
"I want to go to the woods in the place where you find me yesterday , please" She said with puppy eyes. " Of course I couldn't say no to those puppy eyes, let's go cutie " He said with a charming smile that shows his beautiful dimples and she blushed very hard and Eric laughed so hard at her while they start walking. When they arrived at her special place , she sits down and brings her sketch from her backpack and start drawing the beautiful view in front of her eyes immediately and with enthusiasm and put her headphones and start the music. Eric sits down next to her and watch her expressions and movement while she draws. After 10 minutes she looks at him with childish sad face and a blush on her cheeks and said
" Why are you watching me? "
" What's the problem with that? " he asked with a confused look on his face.
" Because I can't do anything when there's someone watching me " She replied with embarrassment.
" I'm so sorry but you looked so adorable and I can't resist the chance to watch you when you draw" he said with a charming smile and an innocent look on his face and he looked so cute. Myriam can't talk and all her face was red and she was so embarrassed. Eric laughs at her and tell her that she is so cute and so adorable . Myriam stays silent and continue drawing for a little while, when she finishes , she takes a look on her drawing and study it . The drawing was so beautiful and when Eric sees it, he said
"It is awesome, you're so talented"
"Thank you for comforting me yesterday, for walking me to school this morning, for coming with me here, for your compliment and for everything." She said with a grateful look in her eyes.
"First , Don't mention it again cause I haven't done anything .Second , it wasn't a compliment you are really very talented and your drawing is so beautiful and finally you don't have to thank me that much because we are friends, aren't we ?" He said with a smile on his face.
"Of course, we are friends" She said with relief and a smile on her lips.
When the sun goes down, they start walking to Myriam's home and they were happy. When they arrived at her home , they said goodbye and Myriam waves at Eric and enters the house while Eric give her a smile and waves back and watch her to make sure she's okay. After entering her house, he starts walking in his way to go to his house .
Next day, it was raining and Eric was wearing a marron hoodie with grey pants and black converse , he was waiting in front of Myriam's home, to walk together to the school. While he was standing, suddenly the door opens and Myriam comes out crying because she had a fight with her dad, she runs to Eric, he opens his arms and catch her in his embrace and let her cry on his chest,he tries to calm her down but she still crying and sobbing and Eric doesn't like that she is so sad and he tries to calm her with his words and said in her hair
"Don't cry, I got you , I'm here for you and I will always be , please stop crying , I don't like to see you crying like that" , she doesn't answer and continue crying , he doesn't know what to do so he embraced her harder and caresses her back and her hair and the rain was still on . After a while, the rain stopped , she calmed down but still sobbing, her eyes were swollen and her cheeks and her nose were red from crying so hard. Eric takes her to her special place and they stayed there all day, she was having a very bad headache from crying and wanted to sleep, he comfort her as hard as he can but it doesn't work and she still sad. After a long time, she finally says
"Can you help me find another place to stay in because I don't want to go back home again , cause I can't handle it anymore, I have got enough and I don't got any relatives that I could stay with them"
He replied with a sympathy look on his face "Of course I will help you , I don't like seeing you in this state"
"Thank you so much but can I ask you a question?" she said
"Yeah, shoot" he said with a smile
"Why are you always with me, at school and right now, doesn't you have friends to hang out with or something?" she asked with confusion
"First, I don't have any friends to hang out with , you're my only friend. Second, I'm always with you because I am here to protect you. " he replied with a charming smile on his lips.
"Protect me from what?" she said
"Protect you from your father and any other thing that bother you " He said with a little smile on his face
"Why? Doesn't you have a life to live? Why do you waste your time on someone useless, sad and depressed like me?" she asked with a confused look on her face.
"First of all, you are not useless , you're just a little girl who has bad time but you are very talented and very strong than you give yourself credit. Second, it feels like it's my job to protect you and I like doing it" He replied on her question with a smile and look in her eyes. She starts to blush and says shyly
"Thanks for being here and with me all the time, I don't know what I could do without you" .
" Didn't I have told you million times to stop thank me for everything cause we are friends ?" He said that with a childish way and playful smile on his face.
"Yeah, sorry I will try" She said with a smile on her lips.
"There is a problem about finding a new house that you're not 18 yet so you have to stay till you have 18" he said with a serious look .
"So what do I do now? " she said with a sad look on her face .
"You could stay at my house and that will be so much fun , we could have movie night, we could study together, we will go to highschool together and you will have all your freedom.
What do you say?" He says with a look that means that he started to imagine it.
"I like that but first of all I need to find a job and I will pay bills cause I don't want you to spend your money on me, second I could help at buying groceries and shopping. What do you say about my terms ?"
"Okay I agree on them. So let's find you a job" He says with a happy smile on his face.
"OK, let's go" She said with enthusiasm and they start to walk and search. After a while, they find a job at Starbucks as a waitress and she can start working tomorrow noon after school . Myriam was so happy that she find a job and more than that Eric will work with her so they will be together. When the sun goes down and now it's night , they went to her house and when they arrived
"See you tomorrow , goodnight." She said with a sad smile
"Goodnight and sweet dreams cutie" he said with a smile and she entered the house and he goes to his home.
When she entered the house, her father fights with her and yells at her
"OKAY FINE" She yells back while she runs to her bedroom and start crying . She gathered her clothes while calling Eric, he answered the phone after the second ring
"Hey, I don't think that you have missed me that fast, did you?" he said and laugh but when he hears her crying and sobbing he asked her with worry that fills his voice
"What happened ? Did your father got into a fight with you again?"
"..y.. ye..yes" she said while sobbing and trys to calm herself but she fails
"Hold on, I will come get you in few seconds" He said quickly and hang up the phone. She gathered her things and get out of the house and wait for Eric in front her house's door. After 5 seconds, he arrived and takes her in his arms till she calms down , he takes her suitcase and took her to his home.
At Eric's home, he puts her suitcase at her new bedroom and put her on the bed and let her sleep in silence, he gets out of the room and closes the door and go to sleep in his room.
The next morning, she woke up early and didn't remembered what happened but after few seconds all the events of yesterday come to her mind and the last thing she remembered was that she cried in Eric's arms till she slept and was unconscious. Eric knocks on the door and wait til she gives him the permission to enter , he entered with a very charming smile on his face and said
" Good morning Sunshine , come to the kitchen and eat some breakfast. I have prepared it for you specially . And If you don't want to go to school we could stay home and go to work this afternoon. What do you think?"
"Okay, I'm coming to get some breakfast but I don't feel like going to school today, so let's stay here and get some rest before going to work . But If you want to go to school there is no problem." She said with concern about his answer but in the same time , she felt happy because there is someone who cares about her .
"No I don't want to go to school today so let's eat breakfast now and after it , we will watch some new movies and chill on the couch . What do you think?" he said while thinking about what they could do.
"This is the best plan ever. Let's do it" She said with enthusiasm . They ate breakfast and watch somemovies till afternoon and then they get ready and gone to Starbucks for work, Myriam was a little nervous but Eric being here working with her was a big relief for her . She felt very excited about her first day at work as a waitress in Starbucks. They start working till the next shift of the night and they went home, they was very tired and they slept very quickly. That was their routine for the week, they go to highschool in the morning and at the afternoon they go to work and after work they went home. The first week went well with Myriam living with Eric and he was so sweet with her and cares for her a lot.
The weekend, Myriam was at the living room studies with Eric and they helped each other . At 6 pm he told her to get ready because they are going out tonight , she goes to her room and start getting ready. She wears a white shirt with long sleeves with black pants and white sneakers and he was wearing grey shirt with black pants and white converse and black leather jacket on. They gone to a bar where there is a stage that people could sing on it and he greets some friends of him and take her back the stage and before he starts playing , he gives her his jacket , it was full of his beautiful scent of perfume and when she wears it, she felt that he is around her and felt safe. She watchs them playing from the back stage, it was amazing and he was playing drums and he looked so hot while playing and his friends one was playing electric guitar and the other was singing a song that they write. She felt that their playing filled her with energy and she start moving her body with the music. When they finished , she runs and gives him a quick hug and said
"That was awesome, I didn't know that you played the drums but you are so talented and that was the best live show I have ever seen in my whole life." She said with a happy smile on her face. He thought that she looked so cute while talking like that with so much excitement and happiness .
" I'm so happy that finally I have seen you so happy , I don't want to see you sad ever again and all that you said means a lot for me " He said while watching her start to blush
" Okay " She said with a blush on her cheeks. They stayed at the bar , they had a lot of fun and after a few hours they left and went home.
The next day , Myriam wake up a little late, she chose her pyjamas into a marron sweatshirt and a grey sweatpants, she searched for Eric but didn't find him . After a while of searching, she found a room that she haven't seen before, so she knocked on the door and enters to find a big room fill with a lot of instruments of music and the walls were soundproof , it looks like a mini studio and Eric was sitting shirtless and there was sweat all over his chest and there was drops of sweat dropping from his hair and he looked caught off by the music that he was playing on the drums that he didn't notice her presence . When she realised that he is shirtless, she blushes so hard and look at the floor and start walking toward the door to escape but when she arrived at the door, he noticed her and stop playing and run after her and said
" Sorry I didn't notice you . Did you want something ? " he said while dry his sweat with a towel.
"N..No, I don't want anything ,thanks. Excuse me " she said with embarrassment and shyness and didn't look at him and her eyes still on the floor.
"Why you don't look at me while talking . Have I done something wrong?" He said seriously and wasn't expecting her answer .
"No you haven't done anything wrong but the problem is that you are not wearing a shirt" She whispered the last sentence and her face was deep red .
"Sorry but I have a habit about training shirtless to make me feel free." He said with a laugh atMyriam's reaction and shyness .
" Okay I will get out now and let you practice in peace " she said and try to open the door but he closes it with his hand and when she turned her face to him, she was trapped with his hands and there was no room to move or to escape and when she looked at his face, she see that he looks at her with a stranger look in his eyes and said
" You look so adorable when you're shy and I can't resist kissing you right now " he said while approaching her face and kiss her a sweet and soft smile on her cheek . She doesn't say anything but her heart beats very fast and she was caught off guard from his action . When he moves away from her , she runs out of the room till she arrived at her bedroom , she entered and the door quickly after her , her heartbeat quicken and the blood rush to her face that she looked like a tomato.
She sit down on her bed and think about what happened and doesn't know why he did that but after thinking about all the events, she discovered that he loves her and also that she loves him. She still sitting on the bed , trying to calm herself down but it doesn't work . Eric at this time was still standing in his mini studio and smiling like a fool because he knew that he loves her then he goes and takes a shower and still thinking about Myriam and that he loves her and he was afraid that she doesn't love him. After the quick shower, he wears a black sweatshirt with grey sweatpants and go to Myriam's room and knocks on the door after a few minutes she said
"Enter" She was still embarrassed and shaking, he enters and tell her
"I'm so sorry about what I had done but seriously I couldn't stop myself and I like you and I have a big crush on you" He said and the look in his eyes tell her that he is telling the truth , she doesn't reply and stay silent , he continues
"Please , say anything" he said with worry in his eyes from what she is going to say.
"I like you but the problem is I'm not sure if that is just a crush or love" She said with embarrassment .
To be continued ✌

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