Part 3

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                      Worst day ever
The next day about 3:00 am, Myriam was in pain and had a very bad stomachache, she got her period,takes a medicine and tried to sleep but failed so she walked in the house and go to the balcony, watch the sunrise and listen to music while singing trying to forget the pain . Eric wakes up at 5:00am and go to the balcony when he arrived, he hears Myriam' singing (Let me down slowly-Alec Benjamin)
,Eric stands behind her and listen to Myriam's voice. When she finished, she turned around and was surprised that he was standing behind her.
"Sorry I didn't want to scare you but your voice is so beautiful and I didn't want to interrupt you." he said with a little shade of red on his cheek while rubbing his neck from this nervous event.
"Thanks" she said with a shy smile
"Why are you waking up this early in the morning?" he said with concern
"I have a very bad stomachache, so I have taken a medicine but couldn't sleep so I stay here trying to forget the pain." She said while her cheeks start to blush and she was shy
"Do you want to go to the doctor? Do you want to go to the hospital to make sure you are okay? Do you need anything that I could do to you?"He said so quickly with worry and concern in his voice.
"No, no and no I have just got my period." she said the last word with shyness that her voice was barley audible and felt so shy to talk about the period with a boy and her cheeks start to blush and felt so happy in the same time from the inside because that was the first time that she sees someone worried about her. She continues
"I don't feel like going to school right now. But don't worry I will be fine. Okay?"
"Okay I will stay with you and if you felt okay we could go to the school at the fourth period for example. What do you think?"he said while trying to predict what her answer is going to be.
"Okay. Deal." She said with a smile on her face and he has a very big smile on his face.
After deciding to stay home, Eric lays down on the couch and Myriam was in his embrace and lay her head on his chest while watching a movie, they were covered by a heavy blanket with hot chocolate in their hands and a lot of snacks in their lap and on the table in front of them.
While they were watching the movie, Myriam slept on Eric's chest after a while she wakes up and felt so much better so she tried to move but Eric was holding her tightly while he is sleeping so when she was trying to move he wakes up and looks at her
"Are you feeling better now?" he said with a concern look on his face.
"Yes, I feel so much better." she said with a shy smile and when he notices her shyness, he let go of her so she can sit down straight.
"What do you think if we take our lunch at a restaurant?" He said with a charming smile that Myriam couldn't let it down so she said
"Yes, that is a very good idea." while smiling and trying to stretch her body from this uncomfortable couch. "So let's get ready." he said while going to his bedroom and Myriam goes to hers. Myriam wears a pink blouse with black pants and white shoes, a leather jacket and make a ponytail and puts some accessories.
When she was ready, she goes to the living room to wait for Eric but when she arrived, she found him waiting for her and he was wearing a grey T-shirt with black pants and white converse and a leather jacket.
They walked to a nearby restaurant, the walk takes less than 10 minutes.
The restaurant was so simple and all the furniture and the decorations was covered with pastel colours that makes you feel relaxed when you look at them , the door of the restaurant was crystal glass, the tables was pastel blue, the chairs was light pink and the couchs was pastel purple. They take a booth, Myriam takes a seat on the couch and Eric takes a seat beside her and they call the waiter to take their order, Eric was a gentleman and let Myriam orders first, she ordered spaghetti with meatballs and Eric ordered the same as her.
A few minutes later, the waiter came back with their orders, they thanked him and start eating while talking and laughing, they were so happy while a teenage girl entered the restaurant. Suddenly, Eric's expression changes and his shoulders tensed and still Myriam doesn't know what is going on and reason of Eric's changes of attitude. The girl looks in their direction and a wicked smile grows on her face and she walks their way.
When she arrived at their table, she said with a wicked smile on her lips
"Long time not seeing you Eric"
"What do you want Sabrina?" he said with serious face and he looked so angry
"I don't want anything, I just come here to grab some coffee in peace"
she said while looking at Myriam and continue
"You didn't introduce this cute little girl. Hi I'm Sabrina and you are?"
"Myriam Argent,nice to meet you"
Myriam replied with a friendly smile
"The pleasure is all mine." she said with a very scary voice and a scary look on her face that makes Myriam shivers from frightenin of her voice.
"I'm gonna let you continue your meal and I'm sure I will meet you soon, very soon." and with the last word, she leaves them and go towards the bar to make an order.
"We need to leave. Now" Eric said with a very serious expression
"But what happened? And who is this girl? And why your attitude changed when you see her? What is going on?" Myriam asked this questions all at once and wait for answers but Eric stands up and said with a sympathy look towards Myriam
"I will answer all of your questions but first let's go home,Okay?"
"Okay." She replied and stands up next to him and they start walking.
While returning, everyone was busy by his own thoughts and all along the way home, the silence was the only thing that you can hear.
When they arrived home, they both sit on the couch face to face, she was waiting for an explanation, Eric start talking and he looked very tired of thinking too much
"I'm going to be honest with you, I will tell you the whole story at the right time but now I'm gonna tell you what you need to know and I will answer your questions, Okay?"
"But...I..."she was going to argue with him but when she have seen the tired look on his face, she said
"Okay, tell me what I need to know first and then I will ask you my questions" She was so curious to know the story so she let him start talking
"First of all, you can't be friend with Sabrina. Second, she has some super power that she could convince you of anything she wants so be very careful around her. Last but not least, she wants revenge from me, so if she knows that I like you, she will hurt you or do anything to get her revenge so don't be around her for good." he said all this like he is giving her orders but still he was so tired and Myriam know that he is worried about her and want her to be safe.
"Okay, I will do all the things you have said but after you tell me what happened" she said with a very curious look on her face, after her reply, Eric felt a little relieved and said while he still remembering what happened between him and Sabrina
"It's a long long story so I will tell you the short version. Sabrina was doing some illegal and bad work and when I find out she got fired and her reputation was ruined that's why she wants revenge that is all you need to know and as promised I will tell the long version with all the details at the right time." He said.
"Okay I will be careful around her, and I will try not to be friend with her" She says with a pitiful look.
"And I will protect you with all of my strength no matter what." he said.
When Myriam looked in his eyes she could tell that he is telling the truth and that this is a promise.
The next day morning, they were getting ready to go to school.
Eric wears a grey T-shirt with black shorts and white sneakers and a hat.
Myriam was wearing a marron top with grey pants and white converse.
When they arrived at the school, they see Sabrina with other girls in their school and that was a nightmare for Eric. And the catastrophe is that she has all classes with Myriam, Myriam tries to ignore her and don't talk with her. But when the teacher ask them to make a project, he teams them together and that was a problem cause she had to deal with Sabrina. At the lunch break, Myriam told Eric and Sabrina sits with them to know when they are going to start in the project and of course that was an excuse to take her revenge and all of this was a part of her evil plan.
The next day, after school, Myriam meets Sabrina in the same café where she met her the first time, to start working on the project together. While they were working, Eric passed by the café to take dinner with them and also to keep an eye on Sabrina and don't leave her alone with Myriam. After eating, they got home and each one enter his own room and sleep. The whole week, Myriam had meetings with Sabrina to finish the project as soon as they can. The moment they give the project to their professor, it was a big relief for Myriam that she wouldn't have to deal with Sabrina again. But that was just the beginning.
The next day, Eric takes Myriam to a movie and after the movie they gone and grab dinner from a very beautiful restaurant, they were so happy but the night didn't end well. They had a car crash and it was so serious that Eric got his whole left leg bandaged and he couldn't move until 3 months and Myriam got a lot of scars and bruises but not so much damage. It looks like they can't have a peaceful day without a problem.
After 2 months of rest, they returned to their routine because Myriam was taking good care of Eric. The first day at the school after the accident was fine, everyone knew about the accident and they were happy to have Eric and Myriam back.
Sabrina was trying to be friendly with Myriam and show her that she was afraid that something bad would happen to her because she is her friend. And of course Myriam didn't buy it but pretended that she believe her.
After the school, Myriam was going to Starbucks for work and she wanted to leave Eric at home but he refused and tell her that he will go with her to keep her company and because he didn't get out of the house for two months and he was bored. So she couldn't argue with him, they got ready and went together to Starbucks. Myriam helped him to make himself feel comfortable because he is going to sit for a very long time. During her shift, Eric told her some jokes and make fun of customers to pass time and also to hear her laugh and see her smile. After the shift, Myriam was so sleepy and tired so the call a cab to return home. When they the house, she helped Eric to his room and said goodnight and went to bed in her room. That was their routine for the last day of the month when Eric went to the hospital and wore the bandages off his leg.
Do you think Sabrina got her revenge or is she still planning for getting it?
To be continued ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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