Chapter 4 - Just the Start

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        Jess went to Mariah's and told her what was going on and Mariah agreed that it was just another one of Damon's lame excuses to try and get her back. Leo pulled up to Mariah's house and picked them up and brought them to school. Jess told Leo what Damon told her so he told Jess to just stay as far away from Damon as she could. They pulled into the school parking lot at 7:15 and usually there was still buses there and there weren't any cars there either. As they approached the front door of the school they saw Judd Hallbacker one of the school nerds slowly approaching them making a groaning sound with his hands out in front of him. Leo told them to stand back because he didn't know what Judd was going to do, but as he motioned for them to stand back Judd started running towards them as if ready to attack them.

            They jumped back and when Leo turned around there were two more of the students like Judd coming up behind them ready to attack. In an instant Leo grabbed Jess and Mariah and pulled them into the nearest classroom following closing the door behind them and locking it. As soon as they entered the room Jess sighed and whispered to them that Damon wasn't lying about the zombies. Leo told her it was alright, but that they needed to focus on finding a way out of the school and back to his car. Mariah screamed at the top of her lungs, "Find a way out of this school? Were in the middle of fucking zombie apocalypse and you want to try and leave the only room that might actually be safe in this entire area?" Leo told her they needed to get out of the school because they needed supplies, so they were going to have to find a way out. Mariah stood by the window watching to see what activity was going on outside while Jess and Leo thought of a plan to get them out of there.

        Leo turned to the girls and said, "Find anything sharp that can be used as a weapon in case we need to fight off these things to escape." Jess looked around the classroom and found a pair of scissors in one of the draws in the desk while Mariah just stood by the window doing nothing but staring outside. Leo  knew it was going to take a lot of effort, but prayed they would get out of the school unharmed without losing a single one of them.


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