Mystic Falls.....

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Luna Pov

Gosh, its been literally 6 years since i left Mystic Falls now i'm returning. To my bestfriend Tyler Lockwood. I bet they've all forgot about me by now. It's was the first day of high school yesterday, I hate being late. Even a few days. I was in my silver Porsche, yes Porsche. I had just some black skinny ripped jeans, my red loubitons and black leather zipped up. I had Nivarna blasting, I was lost in Mystic Falls great. I was heading to the Lockwood Mansion because Carol said I could live with her, she was the reason I returned and some other reasons. 2 people had returned and I had to make sure Tyler hadn't killed anyone for his curse. I was approached by a brown wood mansion/boarding house. It seemed familiar. The Salvatores I think, anyways I decided that I would knock to see if they knew where to go. I parked my car up and headed to door. Knock, knock on the door. No answer. I went to knock again to find a girl about 16/17 look betrayed.

Then I looked behind her to find 2 men. They looked young as well. I looked back to the girl, no.

"Katerina" I say to her and bring my hand to cup her cheek. I instantly get a sign that she is human and definitely not Katerina. Fricking doppelgängers..

"Sorry I'm not the person your looking for" the doppelgänger replies and walks away. I look back to the 2 boys. They look angry,stunned and very confused.

"Erm sorry for intruding, I'm lost.. looking for the Lockwood Mansion?" I ask them both. They both swap looks. I lock eyes with the boy who looked younger than the other. Brown hair, green eyes.

"Yeah it's 2 minute straight down this road, 2nd left, drive till you come to a junction then right." He says and smiles.

"Oh thanks.." Wanting to know his name. I reply with a smile. I walk away back to my car.

"Hey wait up..." The other boy walked up to me.

"You know you shouldn't be knocking on random peoples door before walking away without telling me how you know Katherine?" The raven black hair and blue eyed man says.

"I was lost sorry, if you didn't know I haven't been back here for quiteeeee a long time. And Katherine? I'm sorry, but I'm sure I said Katerina and the girl just look similar. Thank your..." I say proving a point and wanting to know who the other man was...

"My younger brother Stefan, I'm Damon Salvatore. I will do, you have a great night..." He says with a smirk wanting to know my name.

"Luna, Luna Petrova." I tell him, quickly jumping in my car and speeding away.


I find myself at the mansion. I knock...

"Hey, erm can I help you?" Yup Tyler obviously doesn't recognise me. 6 years. Not that long right? He looks at me then my bags thinking WTF?

"Tyler?" I say.

"Wait no, definitely can't be you?"



"Hot, 6 years ago. You have changed." He mumbles under his breath. Not knowing I can hear him.

I was in a trance staring down. Until I feel him grabbing me in a bear hug.

"Okay okay I've missed you too. Big reveal. Surprise!" I say crushed.


Tyler's phone call to Matt Donovan.

"Dude seriously, just wait till tomorrow. Hotty joining school."

"How do you know this?"

"You will see tomorrow Matt."


I let the shower turn hot till I got in. The steam coming off my body was very bad, god it have the shower on the hottest setting and it does not burn. Cool, right!? I was to sleepy to go see Tyler. So I just jumped in bed and fell into a deep sleep...


Got to be serious!! Omg. I was to sleepy last night I had set my alarm for 3am instead of 5am! I'm so stupid! Failure. I rolled over to my phone and turned it off, and switched it to 5am. How on earth am I going to get back to sleep. I decided to sneak through to Tyler's room. Btw, I've always had my own room in then Lockwoods, I used to stay here most days when I was little. Carol had decorated it before I arrived. Bit awkward being 17 and a princess room. Nope, thought so. I tip toed into Tyler's room, yup he's asleep. Considering I only had my boxer shorts on and a little pj top on, I wasn't bothered me and Tyler are basically brother and sister.

"Tyler, psp psp Tyler. Wake up." I whispered to him tapping him gently on the nose.

" I couldn't sleep" I sigh, so does he.

"Jump in" he says and pulls the covers over me.

"Goodnight Ty."

"Goodnight Luna."

First chapter yes, it's not edited will be tomorrow so will another chapter much better and longer. Hmm? Luna Petrova and could possibly be related to Tyler? How did she know Katerina/Katherine? Hmm well we will just have to wait and see :)

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