My death.

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Today is the day, I know Katherine will be making a scene today and I don't want her to know I'm here. No one knows she's here. Tylers out and so is Carol. I've wrote all my letters out. It's time to do this. Let's get straight to the point, i'm not actually gonna die. I can take the heartbeat out. Since i'm immortal, i cant die. But no one knows that.


LUNA- See you when you get back. I'm decided not to meet up with Caroline. I'm not feeling to good.

I texted Tyler. He didnt reply.



There she was Luna, dead. Lying in her bed. Shes dead.

Everyone was at the grill, but Jeremy thought something was up since shes never seen him for a few days. Neither did anyone else. Tyler's phone then went off.

"Tyler, i think you should come home now." Carol's voice was so croaky with sadness.

Carol found her in her bed, checked her for a pulse there was none. She called 911. Then Tyler.

Jeremy insisted to go with Tyler, he wanted to know if Luna was ok. They arrived at the Lockwood's to a ambulance and police cars. There was Luna's body in a zipped body bag.

"Where's Luna?" a very confused Tyler asked his mom. She just hugged him. Jeremy knew she was dead, she wasnt there when they arrived. Jeremy stumbled back onto a car and couldn't even shed a tear. His world was shattered. Bonnie and Caroline then arrived to the scene. Caroline just bursted out crying and fell to her knees. Bonnie just started violently shaken, she tried to ring Elena.

"Elena. I .. Elen..a shes dead." Bonnie then dropped her phone in shock and ran into Caroline's arms. Both girls crying their eyes out.

Tyler insisted to see Luna, not believing she could be dead. But she was. Elena had arrived with Matt and Damon.

Stefan didnt arrive at the scene, he found out over the phone.

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