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astrid's p.o.v

after i actually typed out my address to calum, i got extremely nervous.

like 'arm pits are wetter than niagara falls nervous.'

yeah, i know. nasty ratchet.

nellie was the one to suggest inviting him over.

okay, maybe she didn't. i just might have made her make me invite him over.

but that does not mean she didn't want to meet him.

'NELLIE!' i screamed throughout our tiny flat.

'WHAT DO YOU WANT?' i hear her scamper through the house.

'PLEASE COME HE-' i started but she had already sprinted into my room and jumped on my bed.

'what if he thinks i'm weird?' i asked her, now feeling more nervous than before.

'dude. you are weird.' she said, being completely blunt.

that's one of the things i love about nellie. she is completely blunt with me and she doesn't sugar-coat it.

'at the coffee shop, he acted really distant, but when i was texting him he acted totally different.' i explained to her.

'maybe he is one of those people who takes a little bit to open up? know what i mean?' she said. her first statement came out as more as a question, so that made me even nervous.

before i could get another word out, i heard knocking at the door.

'HOLY SHIT, IT'S HIM,' nellie whisper-yelled.


'ugh, fine,' nellie said. 'but i get to meet him next time!'

'fine! now go!' i said as i pushed her into her room.

i tippy-toed/ran to the door, tried to fix my hair a little bit, then opened the door.

damnitt, damnitt, damnitt son of a whore.

sweet jesus, he looked like an angel sent from above.

'hi!' i exasperatedly said, a little too eager.

'hey,' he chuckled. jesus, he already thought i was an idiot. The


calum's p.o.v

shit. she is so gorgeous, i couldn't breathe when she opened the door.

'hi!' she exclaimed. maybe she didn't think i was weird.

'hey,' i chuckled nervously.

we sat there in an awkward silence for what seemed like forever.

'so, do you want to come in?' she asked me.

i just simply nodded my head and walked in and sat on her couch.

i liked the way she decorated her flat. very simple, but modern. she had a ton of pictures everywhere.

'she's even prettier everytime we see her, calum,' the stupid fucking spirits sing-songed in my ear. i quickly swatted them away.

'is there a fly? i can get it,' she said as she pulled a fly swatter out of nowhere.

shit, was it obvious?

could she see them?

'no, no, i'm fine. thanks,' i said, exasperatedly.

'oh oka- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?' astrid screamed. the same moment she yelled, out of the corner of my eye, i seen him.

he was the worst one.

i hadn't seen or heard from him in months, so i assumed he was gone for good.

but, oh god, was i dumb.

he was just as scary looking as he acts.

he looked almost human. except for two things.

his eyes.

and his smile.

oh god, his smile.

it stretched from ear to ear, way too wide of a smile for any normal person.

he looked insane.

but this time, that wasn't what scared me the most.

it was the way she looked at her.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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