Chapter One

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Human beings think they're at the top of the food chain. We are mother nature's greatest predator. That's just an illusion the superior species uses to keep us in the dark and docile. We don't know any better.
.....But I know better now......

I was walking home from work. My car battery had died after accidently leaving the lights on. And rather than asking some random person late at night for a jump, I started walking. It wasn't too far, and I lived in a quiet area.

Approaching my house, something behind me made a noise. Glancing around I saw nothing. Shrugging, I covered the last few yards to my porch and began unlocking my door. A growl came from behind me. Making me jump and turn around quickly, but I still couldn't see anything. My heartbeat quickened when another growl came, sounding closer. Something started moving, faster and faster towards me.

Not wanting to be outside any longer, I tried to get my door open but dropped my keys. Cursing and scrambling to pick them up and get inside before whatever it was got to me. Just as the noise seemed to be right behind me, I screamed. Getting the lock opened and threw myself inside before slamming the door shut in a second. Bracing my hands against the door I breathed fast and heavy.

Nothing slammed against my door or made another sound. I quickly locked my deadbolt and back away from the door.  Ashley came down the stairs quietly. I smiled at her.
"Thanks for staying late Ash. I really appreciate it."
"No problem hun. I'm just gonna head home. Call me if you need anything else."
"Wait,"I grabbed her shoulder. "There was something outside. I don't know what it was." She glanced at me and looked out the peephole. "I don't see anything. I'm going to take my chances. I'll be here again tomorrow morning." And opened the door and left.

I cracked open the door and watched her safely get to her car. Then looked around. Maybe I just imagined it. But seemed so clear....and close.
Choosing not to dwell on it any longer so to not fill my sleep with nightmares. I took a shower and climbed into bed. But the sleep was restless. Every few hours I reached over and turned on my lamp. A feeling of being watched was constantly there. It didn't feel like I was alone but everytime light flooded my room....nothing. Finally I managed to sleep for longer than a few hours. Completely oblivious to what would happen tomorrow.

* * *

Blinking my eyes at the amount of sunlight pouring through the curtains. Huh, I thought I had closed those last night. What time was it? My phone said it was 5:37am. Groaning I rolled back over and put a pillow over my head. This is why I usually close my curtains at night, keeps the sun from waking me up at an ungodly hour.

An hour later an incessant vibration woke me up. My phone. Grumbling, I shut off the alarm and headed down to the kitchen to make breakfast. The smell of food cooking made me alert with fear. Who was in my house? Quickly and quietly I grabbed a metal baseball bat. Raising it high above my head, I glanced into the kitchen.

Nobody was here, but there was half eaten food left on the table and dirty pans in the sink that weren't there before. Still holding the bat high I walked further in the kitchen. The fact that nobody was here did little to ease my fear. I pulled out my phone to call 911 when I heard something behind me.

"Morning sunshine." A cloth was placed around my mouth and nose before a scream could come out. I started to struggle and fight them but darkness enveloped my mind before I even had a chance.

*  *  *

There were voices talking. Were they talking to me? No, they were talking to each other. But what were they saying? Oh gosh my head hurt. What is happening?  The voices sounded like I was underwater. They were getting louder and clearer. They seemed to be arguing. They kept getting louder and louder till my head felt like it was going to explode. 
    I let out a groan, in hopes of them shutting up.
     It worked. 
  But who is arguing?

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