Chapter 16

46 19 1

Corbyn's pov

I waited in my room for about three hours till the boys left and Xavier went to sleep, and I was spending all this time searching for Celeste's number which I ended up finding by searching for her library name and got the number of the library, called and Carla answered and after lots and lots of begs I got Celeste's number from her, I don't know why I didn't get her number earlier, I need to know what she is going to do.

When I made sure Xavier is full asleep I got out in the balcony and dialed her number

"Celeste Albert is talking"

"Hey Celeste this is Corbyn"

"Co- Carla hi how are you?" She said and I immediately understood that she's not alone

I heard the sound of the door "Corbyn how did you get my number?" She whispered

"It doesn't matter now, How are you ?"

"What do you expect, we're tryna figure out what to do"

"I'm so sorry, If I didn't came up to you that wouldn't have happened"

"Don't blame yourself it's not the first time to move and turn our life upside down"

"But this time it's five freaking hunters" I sighed

"Luna want us to leave the house today"

"To where?"

"We're gonna stay in a hotel downtown till we figure out where to go"

"What about your library?" I asked and from her sigh I probably knew I should've not asked

"Sometimes you have to give up dreams for family you know"

"I'll call you tomorrow to make sure you moved to the hotel safely" I assured


"Night" I said and hung up

"God" I hissed to myself then went to bed

"Sir" I heard Morgan say as I tried to open up my heavy lids

"What Morgan?" I mumbled as I turned around

"Mr Xavier is waiting for you downstairs for breakfast"

"I'm not coming down I want my breakfast up here" I said getting out of bed then entered the bathroom

"And tell him I'm not going to work too" I yelled from the bathroom

"Sure sir" She left and I hopped into the shower and did the usual things but not wear the suit this time i wore casual clothes

After about two hours, I ate my food then checked my emails, I got a text ftom Celeste saying that they arrived to the hotel an hour ago, I waited for five minutes then dialed her number

"Good morning" I said


"Are you all ok?"

"Yeah we're fine, Luna is protective as hell, Starr is emotional as hell, River-

I cut her off "Mad as hell" She giggled

"Yes very mad honestly"

"What about you?"

"Here I'm secretly talking to the hunter we are escaping from"

"From me?"

"If you want the truth something in me just wants to escape to you" She said in the most terrified voice ever

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