Chapter 32

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Starr's Pov

The driver finally stopped making all of us gasp in excitement and looking out of the window.

"We're here" Luna gasped happily and rushed out of the car and we were right behind her. We took fast steps towards our home and the driver followed us with the bags that was in the hotel a month ago. River opened the door slowly once I saw the view of our home. I started tearing up. We went inside looking at the house that is dusty but still got this amazing, comfortable and homey scent to it.

"It's been so long it felt like a year" Celeste whispered

"You can leave the bags here thank you" River said taking her beanie off her hair because she was hiding it. This man left the bag and exit the house while closing the door behind him

"Oh I can't wait till I shave my hair again I'm tired of this freaking beanie" River said letting out a breath

"We have to start cleaning now" Luna said and the rest if us whined.
After an hour of cleaning we're done. We sat on the couch just staring at nothing. I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall and it was 11AM.

"I'm gonna go and check on my library" Celeste said standing up going upstairs

"What? Now? You're not gonna even rest?" River said following. Now me and Luna sitting in an awkward silence because of what happened yesterday, we haven't even talked. I mean she betrayed me and my sisters by finding a cure for Xavier for the one that she said she hated the most.

"Starr" I knew this would happen.

"Starr...You've been ignoring me since yesterday and you know I don't like anyone to be mad at me." She said still looking at me and I was trying my hardest to keep straight face and to keep my mouth shut "I had to do it. You know I had to do it for you, for Celeste and for River. It was a part of our deal-" I couldn't hold it no more

"Why did you even made deals with him in the first place?" I said looking at her rising my eyebrow

"He told me the deal and I like it now look where are we now. We're in our home. If I didn't accept the deal we wouldn't be here Starr why don't you get it" She explained

"I wanted to watch him suffer for what he did to us and to every person he kills. I was planning on leaving him like this for a month...or even forever not for only three days" I said standing looking down at her

"I don't care about anyone but and your sisters. As long as we are safe I don't care" She said standing up too so we're basically fighting eye to eye

"Oh but I care. You saw exactly what I saw When he killed Noah. You didn't even tried to stop him. You only stood in your place watching us fight" I yelled

"You know I don't like fighting and he was threatening me with Celeste and River what did you expect me to do out there" She yelled back and her hair started to get white from the roots that when I knew she started to get angry

"Try to stop him from killing an innocent person...Hell you didn't even think about asking me for permission on finding him a cure"

"You know that if I did ask you would've said no" She said pointing at me

"Good. Then why did you do it? He wasn't even grateful he started annoying me and now after translating this book he want to take us to Travel to Morocco for no reason. There's no point in all of this" I yelled

"If I didn't do it we wouldn't be here why don't you get it!!"

"Cause I know-"

"CAN BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP" River shouted glaring at us

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