Chapter 6

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The next scene was weird but you enjoyed it. You and Chunk were working the next day on the client, together which was shocking for everyone. Jason walked up to you too, and tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around, and smiled. "Yes Jason, what do you want." He rubbed the back of his head, "Um, can I talk to the both of you? Privately." Chunk looked up from the clients hair and followed the both of you to the hallway. "Um, hey. What happened to the both of you?" You blushed slightly and looked away from him. Chunk smiled and put his arm around you, "We had a date. Like you suggested." Jason nodded, "Did you two come here." Chunk nodded, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure you didn't know, but there is a camera in the corner on the left." You instantly stopped blushing, instead all the color draining from your face as you looked towards him. Chunk looked away this time. "And, of you didn't know. It's my duty to check them every morning." You inhaled sharply, "Oh god." Jason chuckled and put a his hand on your shoulder, "Don't you worry, I'm not going to tell anyone." You covered your face, "It doesn't matter, you saw everything." Chunk grabbed your hands, uncovering your face and making you look at him. "Hey, I trust Jason with my life. He'll never tell anyone. Don't you worry." You smiled, and hugged Chunk. Jason smiled, "Just one more thing..."

Jason entered the room first, his face red and rubbing his temples. You and Chunk stormed in after in, both shouting at the top your lungs. "Guys, look. I know you've tried your hardest to be nice to each other, but can you keep it up...please?" Jason asked, yelling over you too. You glared at Chunk, "Not another day in my life." Chunk scoffed, "Well, me neither. You fashion isn't the best either honey." You tilt your head, just as Jason groaned and walked away, "Yeah, but you know...since I'm better than you, I'm going to go fix that 'hair job', if I can call it that." You shoot back, strutting over to your client, geling back his hair. Chunk stormed past you, "I can't stand you." You sneer, Chunk glaring back as he storms into the dressing room.

(Time skip to back home.)

"That was so cool, it was double acting." You say, your mouth full of chicken fried rice. Chris smiles at you, his crooked teeth making you smile too. "Well, at least Jason knows Rachael and Chunk's secret." You nod, scarfing another spoonful of rice into your piehole. Chris looks at you, "You really shouldn't do that, it'll make you fat." You stop halfway into putting the spoon of rice into your mouth. You look at him, utter shock in your eyes. "What did you say?" You ask, scooting your chair back a bit. "I said you could....", before he could finish you lunge at him from across the table, the food splattering everywhere. He falls down, the wind knocked out of him, you sitting on his chest. You have his hands restrained, holding them above his head. "Say you're sorry, or you're going to be sorry." Chris gives you an annoyed look, "I wasn't be serious." You knee his side, making him fidget, "Say you're sorry." He doesn't say anything, do you decide to lush further. Holding his hands with one hand now, you practically rip his nice buttoned up shirt and blue jacket open, the button flying everywhere. His chest now exposed. "What the hell, this was a nice shirt." You glare at him, your look demanding he say sorry. He glares back, so you push further. You grip his hands, "Shit, you've got a good death grip." He says, trying to lighten the mood. You shift back a little, then start to gently suck his nipple. " I'm sensitive." He whines, fidgeting to get away from your touch. You then start to nibble him, his nipple now starting to darken with red. "Ahhh, please stop...please..." He stops whining, his eyes closed and his mouth shut. You switch to the other one, running your tongue all over it. A faint sound comes from Chris, causing you raise your eyes. He was biting his lip, his head bent a little. Another moan escaped his lips, as you suck his nip. You smile, happy to get a response. You then sorta chew it's not aggressively, but now gently either. He arches his back, a louder moan erupting from his throat. You let go of his hands, letting them grab ahold of your hair. You then lick circles are both his nips, feeling his bulge growing between your thighs. You let his nipples rest, as you descend down to his stomach, kissing him everywhere. He groaned his member stretching the fabric of his jeans, digging into you. You sit up, leaning up to look at him. He face is bright red, sweat starting to surface from his forehead. "Say you're sorry, and I'll finish." "Im...Im...Im sorry." He stutters, his eyes bearing into yours. "Good."

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