Chapter 8

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Distancing from Harry wasn't working too well for Louis. It did for two days, maybe cause Harry wasn't doing much during health and he moved seats so him and the guys were separated. But when they returned to gym, Louis wasn't pleased when Ryan would start joking with Harry again.

It started small, the two boys simply not doing the exercises like usual and back talking. But then it started getting to the point where Harry would kick the footballs to where it would be tossed towards some girls and hit their legs. Then it would go to where Harry would spin around the volleyball net poles, acting like a stripper. Yeah, it was amusing, but completely inappropriate.

Not to mention the fact that Harry and Liam had this weird tension on. Considering Louis overheard a part of their argument last week, he figured it had to do with that. For some reason, the thought of them fighting or breaking up made this weird feeling arise in Louis' stomach. Almost excitement.

The happiness he felt didn't seem normal. Either way he ignored it, because he needs to ignore Harry. He could feel himself growing feelings and that's not right. Harry's his student and a guy. He completely accepts gays, but like mentioned before, he's straight and not all for the gay pride type stuff.

He leaned against the wall, watching the students play their instant activities and felt his eyes drooping slightly from being so tired. Him and Eleanor had a fight last night, and then Macy was having trouble sleeping so he had to stay up with her and make sure she fell asleep eventually.

At first Eleanor tried helping her to sleep, but Macy was always a daddy's girl and preferred him since he would sing her to sleep and whenever Eleanor tried, Macy said she sound like a dying cow. He gets her little smartass personality from Louis, you could say.

The fight him and Eleanor had was the typical 'overspending' one. Eleanor wanted Macy to go back to daycare instead of paying for a babysitter. However, Louis insisted it was cheaper in the long run for them to pay for a babysitter since Day cares ask for too much. Having a babysitter is more one-on-one caring rather than Macy needing to fight for attention if it's ever given.

He sighed, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand and yawned. Louis glanced over, seeing Harry staring at Liam with this longing look. Liam was chatting with this girl, Louis believed her name was Sophia. He raised an eyebrow when Harry frowned and looked away.

A tension was clear in the air. Louis wasn't sure if he felt pity or jealousy. He shouldn't feel jealous. Harry is a only sixteen for crying out loud. It's not even about him being a guy, more over the fact that there's at least a nine year difference between them and it's just wrong.

Now he's just over thinking this. He doesn't like Harry, or at least he's trying not to. That's why he's attempting to keep a distance. He couldn't let this stupid attraction get in the way of his life. Harry's just some cocky, annoying, hormonal, gay kid that's a pain the arse.

Meanwhile, speaking of a pain the arse, Harry smirked as he threw the volleyball in the air. He jumped up, slamming his fist against it causing the ball to speed over the night and smack down on the ground. A girl jumped, gaping as it nearly hit her in the face if she wouldn't have moved out the way.

She glared at him,"Yo, Godzilla! Calm yourself, this is volleyball not anger management! If you're gonna be a dickhead, leave and play something else!"

"Yo, blondie, this isn't the ghetto! Speak correctly, okay? okay," He cocked an eyebrow when she clenched her fist and patted his chest with a 'come at me bro' expression. "Wanna fight bitch? I don't care if you're a girl, that rule is sexist anyways, so go for it."

The girl clenched her jaw, going for it but was tugged back by her friend. She growled,"You know, I could probably bite your prick off with me teeth if I had to! Don't think I won't, I could if - Brittney, let go of me! Let me at him!"

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