I used to live in an apartment near the subway. It was kind of big. It has two rooms inside, a kitchen and a bathroom. It also has a living room where I place my television and other electronic stuff. I lived in there alone. I liked that apartment because its a 5-minute walk down the subway and I could always save time going to work and also, its a lot cheaper than taking a cab to go to work.
Around April of 2014, my sister called me by the telephone telling me that she would be staying at my place for a period of time because her apartment was burned down and she didn't have anywhere else to go. I immediately said yes. Knowing my sister, she would never want to live with someone she didn't know well. So she told me that she's gonna move first thing in the morning.
In the morning, I was awoken by the doorbell ringing. I immediately got up and welcomed my sister with a hug. She was kind of exhausted and maybe hadn't gotten any sleep just by looking at the dark circles around her eyes. I lead her to the other room of my apartment where she used to sleep. She sleeps in my apartment when she visits me sometimes.
I was kind of startled that she came with her boyfriend. She didn't even bothered to introduce me to him. But I ignored it thinking that she is already tired because of their situation. I left her in her room to rest. Her boyfriend was also with her in the room.
During lunch, I called them out to eat with me. She sat infront of me in the table. Her boyfriend sat at her left side. He was quiet the whole time we were talking about the incident. She told me that some electric stuff caused the fire. But still, she didn't bother to introduce me to him. I kind of assumed that he was her boyfriend since she already told me she has a boyfriend. And I didn't bother about her introducing him thinking that they may have been in a fight. Looking at my sister's eyes, I know she had been crying because her eyes were reddish and swollen.
It was two weeks later when her boyfriend started acting strange. He wouldn't eat with us. He just keeps himself inside their room. And then one time when I was in the shower, I saw a silhoutte of a man reflecting from my shower curtain. I shouted that I was using the bathroom. Then he turned back and walked out slowly. It creeped me out knowing that I had locked the door when I entered the bathroom. And I hadn't heared a thing when he entered. I was pissed because of that. So I decided to go out with my friends and sleep over at their place.
I told my sister that I would be sleeping over at my friend's house and I insisted that I would be meeting my BOYFRIEND that night even if hadn't gotten one. Just to tell her boyfriend to "back off". My sister didn't even bothered arguing with me about the "boyfriend" thing. She was like that since they got here.
My friends were pissed also when I told them what happened.
"Dude, you should have told your sister of what he did. So she could talk to him about it.", my friend May told me.
So I decided to call my sister. She answered my call and I told her about what happened and how her boyfriend had acted strange. I also asked her if he was abusing her because every morning I would notice my sisters eyes' swollen from all the crying.
And then she said.
"What the heck are you talking about Kaye? Who are you talking about? I moved in your apartment alone. My boyfriend died from the fire. He was sleeping and I wasn't there when it started. He never got to escape because he takes sleeping pills to help him sleep because he suffers from insomnia. What the heck?"
She was pissed.
I was dumbfounded. I almost dropped my phone.
"Then, who is the guy who moved with you? He was tall, red-curly-haired guy and also has a pale skin. He was always with you in your room!", I shouted.
She didn't answer my question.
"What the heck, Kaye? Don't you dare scare me like that. I'm alone here, you biatch", she said trembling.
I immediately dropped the call and hurried home. My friends drove me home and I fetched my sister waiting at the subway. We packed our things by the morning and we never returned to that apartment.
I haven't seen him ever since. My sister suspected that he must've been her boyfriend and he was trying to look after her, even if he was already dead.