friday nights

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School is about to start, Seulgi notes checking her phone. She turns to Wendy, "I have to go. I'll see you after homeroom." Seulgi grabs her bag, sprinting off into the direction of the school's courtyard. Everyone else is departing, making their way to their homerooms, while Seulgi is going the opposite direction. "Yah! Im Jaebum!" she calls out, catching her target put out a cigarette just outside of the school gates. "We're going to be late." She takes out a pack of mints from her bag, taking a single mint out before putting the pack away.

"No, we're not." Jaebum tells her, jogging over to her and kissing her cheek. "Chill."

"Your shirt isn't tucked in." Seulgi points out, stuffing the mint into his mouth before she reaches to button up his shirt. Jaebum has something against buttons ups, always wearing t-shirts underneath them and leaving the shirt unbuttoned. At least today it's a white t-shirt and not a Thrasher one. And at least he's wearing his blazer.

"School uniforms squash the youth's creativity. I'm making a statement." Jaebum smiles.

"You can make your statement, with your shirt tucked in." Seulgi reminds him, and Jaebum swats her hands away.

"You don't see me telling you that your skirt is too short."

"It's fingertip length."

"Yeah? Who's fingertips?" Jaebum jokes, "You know what they'll say, Seulgi. You're distracting the boys with your tan legs."

"Maybe the boys shouldn't stare at my tan legs, and we wouldn't have an issue." She cups Jaebum's face, guiding him to lean down to her level. "Plus, I only want to distract one boy... Do you really think my skirt is too short?"

"If you're comfortable, do what you want." Jaebum peppers kisses against her lips, "If they give you detention though, let me know so I can be there with you."

"You'll get in trouble to keep me company?"

"It won't be that hard, but yeah. I would." Jaebum shrugs, "Now let's get you to class." He gives her a few more kisses before breaking away, holding onto her hand and leading the way.

This is their norm. Every weekday, Seulgi arrives to school with Wendy, and leaves her to fetch Jaebum outside the school's gate to make sure he gets to class on time. They bicker about Jaebum's uniform, how it never follows policy, and he'll take a jab at Seulgi's skirts because they seem to be getting shorter and shorter each day. They'll kiss, and then walk to homeroom together. It's been the same morning routine since they started dating back in junior year, and now as seniors, it's pretty engraved in their system.

Seulgi's well aware that Jaebum has a problem with authority, and is never following uniform policy because it's the only way he can 'stick it to the man' without getting expelled. Jaebum's also well aware that the reason Seulgi's skirts appear to be getting shorter is because of him. When they're in a good place, and not fighting over something dumb, it's at a teasing length, not too revealing, but still very enticing. When they're fighting, it's the required dress code length, still enticing because it's Seulgi, who Jaebum always has the hots for, but he knows he's not getting any so there's no point.

"Have any plans on this lovely friday night?" Jaebum questions as he holds the main entrance door open for her.

"Not really. I think I'll stay in for the night, and be boring?."

"I'm playing ball with the guys after school, but if it's not too late, can I stop by?"

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