Chapter 3: Reminiscent of surprise

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What in the name of Salazar was going on! He spends 16 long years trying to kill Harry Potter and someone else does the job! It must have been one of his death eaters, they were so going to get the cruciatus for this. "Fuck Dumbledore." ........well that was unexpected. Enough that it broke him out of his homicidal ramblings. "Potter?" Voldemort called out in smooth sibilant tones, the Dark Lord was so well known for. And feared, don't forget feared. Potter didn't speak again but his chest rose slightly. He was alive. Barely.

With that terrifying revelation (not that he'd ever admit to such an emotion) he apperated Harry to a guest room at Malfoy Manor. Whilst Potter may never join him, no one would kill the boy but him. He was his chosen one, his victim, his to hurt. His to kill. Him and him alone. Shaking his head of these strangely possessive thoughts, he called out "Tinky." With the standard pop of a house elf, Tinky appeared before him. "Bring Severus immediately, elf," he demanded. Replying with a quick, "Yes master Dark Lord, sir," she disappeared. He waited for what felt like hours for Severus to appear.

"My Lord, you summoned me?" Snape glanced at the bed and it's occupant. His eyes widened minutely, the only reaction he showed before pulling up he occlumency shields. "My Lord is that Harry Potter?" Tom narrowed his eyes at Snape, reminding his spy that he was a Dark Lord, and did not like to be questioned. "Don't think I haven't had my doubts of where your loyalties lie, Severus. If Dumbledore discovers this you will spend the rest of your days, cold and in pain, regretting it. You are to swear an oath never to reveal this and then heal the boy." Aware of Potter's fleeting breath, he swore the oath and began applying potion after spell after potion to heal Harry.

"That's all I can do My Lord." Tom sighed, gearing himself up for the inevitable rejection and words of hate that would soon ensue. He had to ask him to join, as on the dark he would be a force to be reckoned with. But he knew that Precious Potter would never dare. "Very well Severus. You are dismissed.And remember, not a word to anyone." Snape bowed and left.

"What happened to you Harry Potter?" He lowered himself into an armchair by the bed to await Potter's awakening. He would find out who attacked him, ask him to join, and then kill him. After all, there is no way the chosen one would ever join his side. Right?

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