Chapter 4: Come to the dark side. we have cookies

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Foreword: Wow I can't believe people are really reading this! I'm aiming to publish about every other day so keep checking in. Doing a swapping POV in this so tell me if its too confusing. This next chapter has some important information hidden in it, like the second one, so keep an eye out. Fyi harry is still going to act similar to the books, or how i think he would to the situations. But because of (spoilers) he cares less about certain things, and fears very little. Ill say it now. He isnt suicidal but doesnt care if he lives or dies. Dudes and dudettes. Skeletondigger out!

Slowly, Harry's eyes fluttered open, before closing against the invading bright light. With a quick wave of his hand the heavy black curtains closed, and the shadows crept forward to greet their master. He could see again. With a painful jolt all his memories returned to him and he sat up before freezing. Last he remembered he was in some desolate forest in the middle of nowhere, dying, so close to his home. Home. "I must be dead!" Voldemort, who was sitting by the velvet decked bed leaned forward and chuckled. "Not yet Harry Potter. The Boy-who-lived, so eager to die. Why is that?" Oh! He must have said that aloud. Harry was missing something here, he knew it. He stared blankly at voldemort.... OH that's it. VOLDEMORT! With a manly scream (he did NOT squeal) he leapt out of the bed before landing on the floor with a resounding thump. "Ow!" He heard Voldemort chuckle, and peered up through his lashes. The Dark Twat looked different. Less snake face and more mature Tom Riddle. Shaking his head to clear his mind, he ran towards the window tense and ready to fight. His mind had already evaluated his escape roots. He didn't know the lay out to.... wherever he was, and there could be hundreds of death eaters just itching to get a hand on him. But he was on the second floor. Setting the curtains on fire would be a distraction to levitate himself to the ground and make a run for the forest. Once he was in the shadows and the earth he'd be safe.

Finally. The Brat was awake. Voldemort couldn't help but be amused if not slightly confused. Potter didn't seem to even care where he was, or seem perturbed at the thought that he might be dead. Was he suicidal or an idiot? Before he could help himself he asked just that. "Not yet Harry Potter. The Boy-who-lived so eager to die. Why is that?" Well his reaction was certainly amusing. The Boy must have been truly exhausted to sleep so long and be so confused. He clearly wasn't going to get an answer just like that. What to do. He'd call Narcissa but first to ask the boy the real question. "Harry Potter. Too long have you been a thorn in my side. Now is your last chance. You are older now I'll make no false promises. Join us. Join the dark. You could be powerful. Respected for who you truly are, not some false title. If you say no there will not be another offer. I will kill you." I couldn't help but feel excited and anxious, though there was no reason for it. The boy would say no.

Why did this stuff always happen to him? What did Harry do? He crawls off to die in peace and the famous Potter luck strikes again, with Voldemort finding him. How did that even happen? He apparerated to somewhere safe. VOLDEMORTS LAIR ISN'T SOMEWHERE SAFE. It made no sense. Although the whole peace offering thing was confusing. Was Voldemort really offering him a place on the Dark side? "Why should I Voldemort. What is in it for you? I'll never be some sycophantic death eater. And why would you want a figure of the light to fight for the dark? For all I know this is some sick torturous trick of yours."

Potter made some fair points. He was a Dark Lord for a reason after all. "You intrigue me Harry Potter. You have shown no real magical talent, yet you always escape my death eaters and are prophesied as my equal. That with your little scene when I came across you in the clearing makes me think their is more to you than is seen by many. I want to have you at my side. From what my followers have reported to me you are too obstinant to be a servant. Perhaps an ally would suffice?" Was that consideration on his face. Would he agree? Finally, Voldemort thought. Answers.

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