Chapter 23: Get over it

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Foreword, I'm doing so well in the updates now. I must feel guilty for leaving it so long.

Draco jumped up, desperate to reduce the tense atmosphere. "Well, that explains a lot, who wants waffles?" Everyone stared at him before bursting out laughing and, glad it had worked, he nodded and sat back down. That had worked nicely.

Hadrian chuckled and shook his head. People said he was full of surprises, but the Malfoys and co just continued to surprise him, time and time again. Always accepting him no matter what. Apparently that's what family does. He grinned and nodded. Hopefully that would be enough tension for the day.

Lucius exchanged glances with Severus over the table. It seemed he wasn't the only one to realise what day it was. That any minute that tension would return tenfold. "Actually I believe everyone has forgotten...." A sudden hoot and the beating of wings interrupted him. Two regular brown mail owls landed on the table holding letters. One in front of Draco. And one in front of Hadrian. It was the day students got their Hogwarts letters. Everyone froze, and as he'd thought, the mood dropped considerably.

Tom cursed, mentally of course, and glared at the offending parchment. Hadrian and he had migrated to his office to discuss what to do. He had hoped they would have more time together before this came up. Hadrian sighed and suddenly said, "I'd rather not go. But it would be better for everyone if I did. I can spy on Dumbledore and the Order, and let your death eaters in when the time comes. I was hoping that we could spend more time together. Now we'll barely be able to talk." Voldemort frowned. That wasn't acceptable. Not at all. I'm sure we can find someway. "If I still had my diary, I could make a link...."

Hadrian blinked and wanted to hit himself. How had he forgotten? "About that. Do you remember when I mentioned I knew about your horcruxes?" Tom just blinked before nodding slightly. Taking a deep breath he continued. "Well, when I died I found out that you'd turned me into a Horcrux. So when I realised what the diary was I sort of duplicated it and gave Dumbles the destroyed duplicate. I still have your diary."
Tom just stared at him for a while, almost unresponsive. "YOU'RE A HORCRUX!?"

Voldemort couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sure he was glad that Hade had saved part of his soul, but to find out he was part of his soul. His human Horcrux. When he truly looked at Hadrian he was shocked. Hade looked scared. Instantly regretting shouting at him, he slowly walked up and cradled his face in his hands. "Animus meus." He gently kissed Hadrian, coaxing him to reciprocate, until they both became lost in each other.

Hadrian was breathing heavily as they parted. "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that about?" He grinned and looked up at Tom through long lashes. "You carry my soul. You're mine." His voice growled with possessiveness. If anyone else had done so, he'd have hexed them, but with Voldemort. They were linked. By soul and blood and oath. Things always seemed to be different involving them. Hadrian blinked and leant back slightly, from where he was held in Tom's arms. "So I'm going to Hogwarts then? We can talk with the diary." Voldemort nodded and replied "We'll go with your original idea. You were sent out and Death Eaters attacked. You panicked and somehow managed to apparate away, probably by accidental magic. You don't have to tell them where you stayed for safety. I'll pick you up from Hogsmead at Christmas." With there plans solidified both went back to their rooms, neither of them looking forward to Harry Potter's return.

For the next two days everyone watched Hade alternate between talking with their Lord and moping around the house. Narcissa watched in pity and Lucius with amusement. And whilst Severus didn't seem to care, Draco was getting annoyed. Very annoyed. "Merlin Harry can you stop for just a second. You'll be coming back, and you will be seeing me and Sev for the whole term. We can meet in his office without anyone noticing. And you'll get to see your actual friends. Lovegood and Longbottom right? If they are your real friends they will stick by you. If not, obliviate them. Just get over it!" Hadrian just blinked and sighed, before curling up in His Lords lap. Draco gave up after that.

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