Chapter 14: A Malfoy doesn't apologise

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Foreword: I'm gonna say now, the title is a bit misleading. If you're looking for the answer behind the big mystery that is Hadrian Potter Black Romanov Dracula Peverell Gryffindor Emrys le Fay, then you're gonna have to wait a few more chapters. This chapter will be Hadrian confronting the Malfoys and Snape. Also, I have an idea for a book, not fan fiction and I'm wondering if I should write it on here. Thoughts?

Hadrian and Narcissa had separated just a few hours ago, after the grand tour of Malfoy Manor. It was painfully extravagant, and big. He only hoped he wouldn't get lost. He was currently reading in the library, quite comfortable in the window seat. That was, until Lucius walked in. Instantly tensed and prepared for a fight he release his wand from its holster hidden on his arm. Malfoy Sr held up his hands in a placating manner, the universal sign of 'please don't hurt me'. Hade put his wand down, but not back in the dragonhide holster, as Malfoy clearly noticed.

Lucius was at first surprised at the child's preparedness (is that a word?) when it came to hostility, but realised he shouldn't, after everything that had happened to the boy. Hadrian had experienced things he would be devastated for Draco to experience. "Lord Potter-Black, I mean no harm. I came to apologies, and talk, hopefully?" So far so good. Hadrian tilted his head slightly, and seemed to consider for a moment, before nodding and waving his hand. Lucius was surprised to see the chair nearest him move out, seemingly on its own. He could do wandless magic? Quickly, Lord Malfoy sat, and took a moment to consider what he would say.

Hadrian considered Lord Malfoy. He was rude, cold and self-involved but currently seemed quite repentant. He wasn't fooled however. Purebloods, and slytherins especially, were very good at masks. But he supposed it wouldn't cost to hear the man out. He was intrigued on what Malfoy had to say.

"First off I apologise for trying to kill you in your second year. Whilst it had become ingrained in my head that you were the enemy, you were just a child and my actions were unjustified." Here Lucius looked up briefly, to see that Hadrian had that rather terrifying blank and bored expression. He hurried along, eager to get this 'apology' over with. Malfoys didn't apologise. "I'd also like to apologise for my disgusting attitude towards you this morning. You were clearly on our side, no longer the enemy, yet I still treated you appallingly despite the fact you are now my guest." Through all of this Hadrians expression hadn't changed at all. Lucius wouldn't admit it aloud, but it ennerved him slightly. "Overall, I would like to not only properly welcome you into my home, but also ask for another chance, to perhaps make a better impression?"

Hade remained silent for a few minutes, maintaining his blank mask. He was quite proud of the fact he'd managed to make a Malfoy squirm. Finally he took in a deep breath and said "Fine" before picking up his book and ignoring the blonde. The man sat there confused for a moment before repeating it. "Fine?" Hade chuckled and looked up at Lucius over the book. "You can only be attacked, betrayed  and almost killed so many times before you stop taking it  personally. Yes we can move on. Now, unless there is anything else?" And with that went back to his book.

Draco was nervous but told himself he wasn't shaking when he walked into the library. It was perfectly normal to be worried about talking civilly to someone who'd tortured you need hours ago. He walked further down the rows of books and stopped short at seeing Potter at the window, reading a book on the Dark Arts. He cleared his throat, and Hadrian didn't even jump. He clearly knew Draco was there without even looking up. Spooky.

Hade began to wonder what was going on. Two Malfoys in as many hours. If this one apologised he might just die from shock. He was sure the family motto was "Malfoys are perfect and never apologise' or something similar. After about 5 minutes of Malfoy still not moving, he wandlessly moved a chair forward, and returned to his book, gesturing for Draco to sit. This chapter on ritualibis sanguine infectio was particularly interesting, and had quite a unique take on the matter.

Draco assumed that was his cue to take a seat, although how he'd managed it without a wand, command or even looking up, mystified him. He waited for Hadrian to look up. When he did (albeit with a bored, blank, unnerving expression) he began. "I wanted to apologise for how I've treated you all these years. I realise I barely even know you, yet I've verbally attacked you since you came to Hogwarts. And it wasn't even house rivalry, I went to far to use that excuse. The things I said were cruel and uncalled for. To be honest, I was raised with the ideal 'Malfoys always get what they want.' So when you turned down my offer of friendship I was surprised and hurt. And I took it out on you. And when I saw you this morning; you get along with my mother and well....Malfoys don't share. But I see now that I was childish and petty. I don't know you, but I'd like to. If that's acceptable?"

Hadrian remained silent throughout Draco's ramblings, and was honestly surprised at how similar Jr was to Sr. He could barely withhold a short at hearing the family motto. But hey. Why not shock both Malfoy men? "Very well." Malfoy sat there in shock, visibly confused. Clearly, a Malfoy showing remorse was a rare thing. His reaction must have been like seeing a demiguise and saying, boring! "I accept your apology. To be completely honest I wish I had taken your hand in the first place. But I knew from when I met you in Madame Malkins that you'd be in Slytherin. And if I wanted to get through the school year relatively out from under Dumbledorks watchful eye, I couldn't be seen with a Slytherin. I'm willing to get to know Draco Malfoy better now that the Golden Boy is dead." With that Hade turned back to his book, ignoring the stunned blonde boy.

It was getting dark as Severus strode into the library, cloak billowing behind him. He found Potter sitting in the window seat with three discarded books by him, an empty plate with a few crumbs and a large old book resting across both knees. The sight was enough to stop Severus in his tracks. He didn't remember seeing Harry reading a book, ever, outside of class. Shaking his head of that ridiculous thought, he stalked over to the boy, believing his presence to be unknown. This was swiftly discarded, as a large wingbacked cushioned chair (Severus' secret favourite) levitate to just in from of Potter, facing the dour man. He blinked before taking his seat.

Hadrian quickly finished Liber Mortis Magicae and looked up at Snape. It was best not to antagonize the man, so decided not ignore this one. Hadrian raised an eyebrow expectantly, waiting. The professor  learned his throat and leaned forward slightly.

Severus wasn't sure where to start. The boy had already managed to surprise him. He didn't start arguing, didn't ignore him or interrupt. He didn't do anything Gryffindorish at all. He simply waited patiently. That alone solidified the thought in his mind. He did not know this child. So it was time to try and get to know him.
"I have questions. If you would be amenable to answer them, then I hope we can come to some sort of truce. For both our sakes. And in turn, I will allow some questions back, although I may not answer all."

Hadrian thought of it before deciding that those terms were more than acceptable. He had questions of his own that he was eager to ask, and though the man was a Slytherin, he had required no promise of Hade answering his. "Alright. Ask your questions professor." He then sat back and waited for the onslaught. This was going to take a while.

And there we stop! Yeah I'm not that nice. I'm going to make you wait for the juicy bits ;) More next chapter.

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