Sibling Envy

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Quick Note: Reader is depicted gender neutral; A short one shot where the Matsuno brothers want to be with you but one particular Matsu is easily jealous and everyone fights for you lol. Enjoy as you wish and thank you for spending time to read my amateur writing skills hahaha.


"I'll fucking kill you.."

Slanted eyes glared in abhorrence, sharp teeth glinting and hissing towards the victim, arms raised and ready to slash away with sharpened nails a dark menacing aura that only promises pure hostility to the one quivering beneath such a demon. Death slowly inching forward to the quaking same-faced brother whose tears glistened in mercy, his cries for aid and forgiveness going deaf to the others that lazed away from the scene.

"K u s o m a t s u.."

The victim in blue with his outfit halfway torn squawked girlishly doing his best to reason his dearest younger feline brother but alas, his cries had annoyed the purple hooded demon and in a jiffy lunged at the other to shed blood and bruises, his anger and sadism boiling heavily the more he strangled and pounded his shitty brother while the shitty brother in question choked on his own tears and blood, soon silence befalling the household of the infamous sextuplets.

Ah yes. Brotherly bonding has surely gotten more creative these days.




"Neh Ichimacchan, why did'ja beat up Karamatsu this time? He hasn't really done anything painful in a while, surprisingly."

Squinted eyes darkened with bags glintered in a deathly stare to the one who asked, Osomatsu sweating and surrendered himself with arms up as proof to not temper with the angered neko of the family furthermore.

"I-It was just a question..."

Ichimatsu growled to the eldest brother and scoffed, jumping to his feet to stomp away from the household of idiots and instead slid onto his slippers to stroll away his bloodlust. The house shivered from how rough and uncaring Ichimatsu slammed the door shut, fire spazzing hellishly from him.

"Karamatsu-niisan, what did you do now?"

Karamatsu, defeated and bloody, arose in aching pain as he winced at the injuries given to him, his suave laughter replaced by coughing as he mumbled in exhaustion.

"No clue.. ouch."

Karamatsu continued to hiss in pain while he struggled to get himself cleaned and patched up, the other clones still doing nothing but laze around. However Todomatsu, once the limping matsu disappeared to the bathroom, chuckled in amusement that caught the other matsuno brothers' attention. Choromatsu rose an eyebrow and questioned first.

"Now what?"

"Haven't you guys noticed yet~?"


Todomatsu rolled his eyes at the unamused audience and tsked.

"Seriously? Isn't it obvious that Ichimatsu-niisan is jealous because of Karamatsu?"

Osomatsu, Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu expressed a head tilt in perplexity not fully understanding what the youngest tried to explain.

"You're all stupid. It's about (y/n) and them dumbasses-"

"And what about me?"

Totty gasped in shock as he quickly silenced himself up, the others stiffened up as they now knew what exactly was happening between the recent fights of the two unlikely brothers. Totty expertly changed the subject to cover any suspicion, saying how you would generally look attractive in the outfits he showed you from a website he randomly opened. On the other side of the screen, you gave a deadpan expression and aimed a slowed arch of an eyebrow with a slight giggle.

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