Miku and alex(ander)

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Alex was obsessed with hatsuna mika since he first saw her fake ass massive blue eyesss. He was in love with her plump, voluminous, elegant pair of pigtails.
Only in his dreams did he get to satisfy his desires with her. If only he could meet her in real life!
One day, while binge watching downloaded mikus music videos on his phone , once again lost in his own fantasies, an email from mikus fan club launched down in front of mikus face.


OH.MY.GOD. Could it really be true? A humble little mummies boy like ALEXander, meeting... Molly?

Without hesitation, Alex smashed the notification to get more information. The email took a few seconds to display on the screen, too long for him to wait.

The email, full of colourful font and images of miloo plastered all over, stated that on Saturday knight, hattyM's tour would be coming to Milton Keynes! And the tickets were being given away for free to the winner of the lipsyncing and dance competition.

Lipsyncing and dance competition?

Tickets were 1000000000$$$¥¥

Alexander waited for the adrenaline rush to diminish while the news sink3d in....

There's no way he could ask for his parents to buy those tickets, let alone explain his perversion-- sorry-- passion-- for hastuney meekee.

Alexander's unfounded confidence, Sally, boomed its voice in his head.

You could win that competition you know
Everyone that you sing and dance to is very appreciative of your imitative art.

Dats tru Alex thought. Maybe, just maybe, Alex could really achieve his dreamsss. Alex stood up adruptly at his desk, flinging the chair behind him across the room. He felt like he could run through a wall...

I'm going to SEe miKAAAAAAAAAA

3 days later

It was the afternoon before the competition, Alex had invested hours into watching muli music videos, perecting every move, repeating the Japanese lyrics until they lost their meaning. He even practised the final part where he would sing at a pitch so high that the house would vibrate.

His mum suffered numerous dress rehearsal and Alex tantrums.

When Alex woke up early, the sky a misty murkey brown. Today was the day. A warm dooming feeling, a concoction of anxiety, happiness and unbeliebability swirled in Anders chest and stomach.

It was only a few minutes drive from pink punters, the gay bar. After all, a singing and lupsyncing battle was the gayest thing in the world.

His mum parked in the rainbow double decker parking lot.

"you can do this Alan"

It's Alex, it's the name you gave me MOM."

'good lUCK'

Alex sighed and stepped out the car. He took a few deep breaths, like mikus always said:

I don't think so

It didn't really apply to the situation now but still, Alex was inspired.

He walked into the bar, immediately he knew he was in the right place; there was at least 5 mike impersonaters, all practising their feminine moves. It was comforting to know that there were a few boys too.

Alex couldn't remember what really happened while they were waiting, he was so nervoos.

Names were being called individually. The candidates would be in the audition room for a few minutes, the soft vibrations of the music corded through Alex's body, it soothed him.

Finally his name was called. What he assumes to be the assistant of those running the competition called: can, alezandar

It was like being prodded with a hot poker, he jumped, confused on what to do until his legs took charge and followed the small girl (assistant)

There were three judges on a table. They were a lot younger than he expected, one was plum with pink and black hair, if she wasn't smiling, she would be the scariest one out of the three. The other two were people.

They said in unison YOU READY

Before Alex could respond, they started playing the music, Wait this was a song that Alex hadn't heard before

Alex tried his best, opening and closing his mouth to try to match the sounds he was hearing. The way he fumbled with his lips translated to his dancing. He was a mess.

The judges cut out the music only 30 seconds in.

GET OUT. Thet said.

Alex, dumbfounded and embarrassed left the room.

His legs were too weak to walk to the parking lot. He sat down on the floor, he didn't deserve a chair...

Then Alexndra Papadakis walks in

Hey dumbass. Did you really think you could win?

Alex, defeated, said nothing. Alexandra walks closer to him. For a second, it seemed that Alexndra would comfort him a few kind words, something to give a few moments of happiness. But instead Alexandra just pointed to his crotch and said. Your testicle is out.

Alex quickly looked down, his pants had split open. He rushed out to his mum as quickly as possible.

Alex died the next day.

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