Assholes And Arms

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A 3 syllable word that both screams desperation and hope. Confidence and inferiority. It is a word that hovers over many minds, students, admirers, lovers... Criminals. So rare it is for one to be given this gift. To experience it, is fiction and yet the need for it is real as the need for warmth. There are many approaches to achieve it, one of which is to ask for forgiveness.


Phacochoetus africanus, a kind animal that runs from a fight. Lets birds eat parasites off its back. The hippie of the animal kingdom. Some would say it is a pretty insignificant pig and, to that I would say "yeah thats pretty accurate"

bitch lasagne

bitch lasagne ALEX is nothing but a bitch lasagne.


We have stuff. So we need more stuff. Take the stuff from the poor and defenceless people of far away countries. Enlighten them with our ways and in return, they give us... Stuff.
In this world, there are the gods and the animals. The giants and the ants. It is natural, it is inevitable, it is good. Accept where you are in this world or pay the price.

So there was Alex sat sad and alone in solitary, the only place he felt truly happy because he keeps dropping the soap "IT'S JUST SO FUCKING ZLIPPY" he crys into the eternal darkness
However most the men with the big peepers just leave him alone in the shower now because he dropped the soap so much when the men try to do anything it's just like throwing a sausage down a hallway, now when he shits he doesn't he doesn't need to push it just flys out, like sometimes he doesn't even know he's shit his pants sometimes because hiss ass hole is so fucking wide, when people say they will kick they shoe so far up your ass it will come out your mouth IT LITTERALLY COMES OUT HIZ MOUTH I'VE SEEN IT!!!!! FOR I AM GID HOLLY THE GOD OF ALL ASSHOLES AND GAY BOI'S

Alex ass is so wide a sumo wrestler should wear Alex as that weird ass sumo suit we had on induction day

Like siriusly

His ass hole is massive

Alex was crying again like the little bitch boi he is because tomorrow was visiters day and Alex's parents who still think his name is alen of Anna or fucking Billy for all they care
"oi bitch boi with the big butt hole and the hairy thigh" says the big intimidating gaurd who's favorite ass was Alex's even though he has to squish is ass back together after

Alex prayed to the Holly god, the god of all ass holes and gay Bois as Alex is the biggest sadest wides asshole of all "HOLLY GOD A
OF ALL GAY BOIS AND ASSHOLES I NEED YOU TO SAVE THIS GAY BOIS ASSHOLE" Alex cried whilst holding his ass together because he thinks shit is coming but it's already in his pants "sure bitch" and alex telaports to Holly's wardrobe next to shrek "so we meet again" Holly say as she turns round in the closet doing a terrible James bond reference while trying to pet Darcy like the cat in James bond but Darcy was like bitch I ain't no cat and ran out the wardrobe

In the waiting room, Daudi was shaking his leg up and down, the oscillations of his knee made everyone in the room anxious, a little boy started to cry. But Daudi was completely unaware, cut off from reality, his hands glued to his knees, eyes glazed over. The potted plant next to him wilted in thirst.

The receptionalst called out: Mr wampamba?
Daudi, a few moments later, zipped up and stood.
'that is me'
'Right this way' the receptionist led Daudi down the hall.
Daudi stood in front of the doctors office. It was a shiny wooden door - Daudi was too nervous to read the name plate. He opens the door.

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