Love At First Tal3x

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It was a warm June evening, and Alex was brought back from the dead.

What Alex didn't know was that when you are back from the dead, you turn gay.

Alex woke up in his bed, his mother was screaming his name up the stairs. Time for school. Alex got up, rubbed his eyes and slowly the horrible, humiliating, mind-boggling, terrible events that transpired, including his death, dawned on him. He could tell no one, who would believe him?

Alex eased into his old routine, eating breakfast lazily, dreading the Monday doldrums. Later, Alex was waiting in his 6th form common room, playing Minecraft on his laptop. He had been playing for a few minutes, unable to figure out why his colouring beam contraption was not working. Then, he heard the squeal of the hub's door as it opened. Alex looked up.

The fellow student was in a grey blazer and a red tie. He looked around the common room looking for someone he knew, however, it was still quite early in the morning. Finally, Tom locked eyes with Alex, and for a moment there was silence but the moment was too short to think or feel anything.

'Hi.' Tom said kindly, across the quiet common room.

'hey' Alex responded.

Tom made his way to the table where Alex was sitting, which was in the far corner of the room.

Alex and Tom had been friends for quite some time. It seemed since they met, they had formed a special bond that no other pair of friends shared (apart from Alexandra and Holly).

It was at this moment that Alex found out that he was gay. When he saw Tom in his grey suit, striding towards him, he got this warm feeling of gay.

With a spring in his step and a twinkle in his eye Tom skipped over to Alex to wrap him in his warm embrace "oh no" Alex thought as he felt a tugging sensation inside his trousers


Before Tom could notice, Daudi sayshayed into the hub.


"HEY Daudi" Tim said somewhat bashfully.

Alex took the opportunity to conceal is penial protrusion while Tim and Daudi chatted excitedly about about their maths results. They both got A's.

Alan felt a tinge of jealousy when he saw Tom beam at Daudi. It was the kind of envy that he felt when someone had bought his pasta pot before he could. It made his little friend droop until it shirvelled back inside him.

Daudi turned to Alex and asked: "so what did you get on the test?"

Suddenly, Alex smacked Daudi across the face. It was so loud that a silence fell across the hub.

Daudi. Shocked.

Alex positioned himself away from the table to give himself space. He braced himself and shouted:


Daudi frowned. Then he looked at Tom and at anyone else who could explain what was happening. Daudi's head tilted to a 240° angle. You see, Daudi got confused very easily. Tom whispered in Daudi's ear: win for baby.

Daudi didn't know what this had meant but he could see the desperation in tons eyes. Now Daudi braced himself.

Angus popped out from behind a pole and started to play 'livin' on a prayer' by Bon Jovi on his phone.

Alex started to floss and then transitioned into the orange justice dance. Dancing was the only time that Alex felt confident in hinself.

Daudi slowly walked up to Alex and bowed. Daudi then kicked Alex in the balls.

Alex, crouched and folded up until he was a sad ball of pain on  the floor. Tom patted Alex's back and apologised. Daudi said quietly: "who's side are you on?"

Tom, conflicted, loolked at Daudi and then at Alex and then back at Daudi. "guys c'mon, it's all fun and games. Let's play the Nintendo Switch™"

Alex with tears in his eyes looked up to Daudi and whimpered "I wanna be tracer" Tom slapped Alex across the face.
'ow' Alex cried.

Daudi liked Tom being like this. C'mon y'all, let's go play"

--------------------the next day-------------------

Alex walked into the hub, he was a little late this morning.

He walked into dauid explaining to Tom what "buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo' meant.

Alex tried to contribute to the exchange but he couldn't get a word in. He ended up saying buffula randomly until both Tom and Daudi looked him weirdly. Alex, unable to handle to the awkwardness, asked Tom if they could speak privately. Tom agreed.

Tom walked to the stairwell leading to the I.S. but Alex instead directed to the men's toilets. "no one can hear us in here" he said.

Tom reluctantly joined Alex in the toilet.

"look," Alex began. "I was, like, dead and no one noticed" Alex nervously chuckled.

"and now, like, things are different and I feel-"

"wait you were dead? Tom asked.


"I was dead too!" WUT

"how?" Alex was trying to rack his brain for any memory of Tom disappearing or being in any accident.
"well, Daudi killed me"


"why?" Alex felt aggressive--how could he have let Tom get hUrT?

"Well, Me and Daudi were sucking each other off and then Daudi was like: you can't tell anyone I'm gay" and I was like why not and I was telling him it's current year and about rainbows and stuff and that's when Daudi thought I was going to tell and stabbed me.

"when I woke up, or rather, when I came back to life, I became straight. Ain't that cool?"

"you-you're not gaY? Alex cried." why are you always hanging out with Daudi then???

"idk he keeps talking to me and I'm not about to piss him off again you know what I mean?" Tom smiled.

"uhh, well can you suck me off then while we're here?

Tom smile faded away and that was the last time Tom and Alex spoke to each other.

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