No tears left to cry

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Fallon sat on the bus. She decided to take Andy route. Not that she knew it was her route. She missed her bus. And had to walk up a couple of blocks to the other stop. She saw someone running towards the bus. She had on sunglasses and a hat. The bus stopped from pulling away and opened the door. When she got on Fallon could tell who she was. Andy. She had tears streaming down her face. She looked around for a place to sit. She saw Fallon. Fallon nodded, and Andy sat down next to her.

"Andy.... whats wrong?" Andy pulled off her glasses and reveled a black eye. It was swollen and badly bruised. Her eyes were puffy and red. "what happened!"

"My dad heard me and my brother talking about a girl. He came in and yelled at me and when i said it wasnt his choice if i like girls he punched me."

"OMG! Are you ok?"

"Ive had worse"

"Here I have some concealer we can cover it up with." She pulled out a make up bag and took out some.

"But we dont have the same skin tone"

"I should have some that matches you" She pulled out a brush and covered her eyes. "Can I do a whole face of makeup?" 

"Uhhhhh sure?"

"Yay!" Fallon pulled out an assortment of powdered colors and brushes. And started working on her face. She painted on exaggerated lines. She brushed on colors and glitter across the blank face that was her canvas. She was just finishing up as the bus pulled into the parking lot.

"Can I see it?"

"Wait till we get in" Andy huffed and they stepped of the bus into the chilly morning air. Someone sitting at a table by the bus gaped at them as they stepped off. Andy flipped them off. They pushed the door open and wlked in. Andy and Fallon turnde left and walked to the restroom. When andy looked in the mirror she froze.

"What the hell"

"Do you not like it?"


"Oh" Fallon looked down.

"I love it. I mean i never wear make up, but this is amazing. You should look into makeup art" Fallon blushed

"I do uh like makeup" Andy pushed herself up onto the counter and faced Fallon.

"You are pretty damn good"

"thanks." Andy smiled at her and pushed her leg up onto the sink and re-tied her boots. "Your so pretty andy. And being gay isnt a crime. Im sorry your parents treat you like this." Andy looked up at her.

"At least someone agrees." In the time they had been talking fallon had moved closer to Andy. Their lips were centimeters apart. Fallon moved forward slightly and brushed her lips gently against andys. Andy backed away a little and Fallon was about to pull away when Andy lunged at her and kissed her back. Andy put her hands on Fallons neck and Fallon put her hands on her waist. Andy parted her lips slightly and Fallon slipped her tongue past. Andy wrapped her legs around Fallons waist. They broke apart for a second to breathe then they were together again. Fallons hands moved up andys back and under her shirt. Andy raked her hands through fallons hair.

Suddenly the announcement bell rang and they broke apart abruptly.

"Can the students in the cafeteria please stop sticking gum in the microwave?"

Andy and fallon looked at each other and giggled nervously. "Ive wanted to do that for a while. Fallon said shyly.

"So have I" They blushed again. Andy hopped off the counter "Lets blow this Popsicle stand." they walked out of the bathroom. People gaping at Andy. because of the beautiful colors painted on her face. Done by the girl walking next to her who had slightly flushed cheeks.

an:/ sorry to anyone reading this. Its a short chapter. I will update later. also help me i Am So gAy ToDaY

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