My Immortal-ish Chapter One

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AN: Special fangs (get it? Because I'm gothic!) to my girlfriend (not in that way) Savannah for helping me with the story and spelling. You rock! Cheyenne you're the love of my depressing life, and you rock too! My Chemical Romance RIP!

Hey there, my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. I have long, ebony hair, which is why my name is Ebony. Right now, it has purple streaks all throughout, and the tips are dyed red. It flows down to the middle of my back and compliments my icy blue eyes, which resemble crystalline tears. Many people tell me I look like Amy Lee. I'm not related to Gerard Way, but I wish I was because he's really hot.

I'm a vampire, but despite that, my teeth are straight and white, setting off my pale skin. I'm also a witch, and I go to a school of witchcraft, called Hogwarts. I'm in my seventh year there, which makes me seventeen.

In case the whole vampire situation didn't tip you off, I'm also a goth, which means I wear mostly black. I love the store Hot Topic and I shop there often. Today I have on a black lace corset, paired with a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnet tights, and black combat boots. For makeup, I am wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner, and red eye shadow.

Right now, I am walking outside Hogwarts, where it is snowing. This means that the sun isn't out, which I am excited about. A lot of preps are staring at me, so I show them my middle finger. 

"Hey, Ebony!" someone shouts. I look up, searching for the source of the voice. Finally, I spot him: Draco Malfoy!

"What's going on, Draco?" I ask, walking over.

"Nothing," he says shyly.

I'm about to say more, but I hear my friends call me, so I have to leave. 


AN: Is it good? PLEASE tell me, fangs!

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