A Ride Home

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I fastened the seat belt in Ray's car and placed my purse gingerly in my lap.

"My address is 2567 Birch street. You might need that information."

"Haha, yeah, I might." Ray replied.

"Oh and hey, you better not be a serial killer." I warn Ray. "Cause if I get murdered, I'm going to get rather peeved with you."

Ray smiles as he pulls the car out of the parking lot.

"Trust me, I'm safe." He's scanning traffic, waiting for the right time to turn onto the main road.

"That's good." I say sternly. "Because I have absolutely no issue with haunting you for the rest of your life."

"Alright I'll keep that in mind then." Ray pulls onto the road quickly.


Y/n seemed very engrossed with something outside of the car, because she had her forehead pressed against the window and was staring intensely at something. It was hard for me to figure out what, because I had to be paying attention to the road. However, every few seconds, I would sneak a glance and see her intense concentration.

"Y/n?" I ask softly.

"Hmmm?" Her answer is drawn out, like she's only half paying attention to my words.

"You seem rather enthralled with something. May I ask what?"

"I'm counting road signs." She states, her focus was still on the outside world.

"Why are you counting road signs?" I inquired.

"I dunno." She shrugged, "It's just something I've always done, counting things. To keep myself entertained I guess."

"Interesting." I nod my head.

"I guess so." Y/n chuffed. "To me it just seems like the habit of a neurotic mess. But 'interesting' is fine."

We sat in silence for a minute more.

"What do you do for a living?" Y/n turned to me with a curious expression.

"Um, not a lot right now." I was embarrassed to tell y/n the rest. "I work part time as a phone salesman, but m other job is playing in a band with my friends." A smile quickly broke out on her face.

"A band? Really? What do you do?"

"Oh..uh, I play electric guitar." I smiled at her interest.

"That's cool. I've always wanted to learn guitar. I play the flute, and I can pick out a few notes on piano, but that's as far as my instrumental skillset reaches."

"Oh, that's cool. So what do you do for a living?" I really wanted to know more about her.

"Oh!" Her face lit up. "I'm a part time childcare attendant. So, basically a nanny. I absolutely adore children, so it's a great job for when I'm not going to classes."

"Classes? What are you studying?"

"Child psychology. I want to be a therapist one day. It's a big dream of mine to be able to help kids."

"That's.... really awesome y/n." She seemed like such a genuinely nice person. She had dreams and passion, plus a plucky attitude that was irresistible to me. Not to mention she was also really cute. I had only just met her, but I already wanted to be her friend. "What's the craziest story you have from your job?"

Y/n had many, many stories from work. There was when she had to convince a crying child that she couldn't bring the cat into the bathtub to play, or when a kid drew all over his sheets in marker when he was supposed to be taking a nap. Every story was told with such vigor and enthusiasm that I couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't going into writing instead of psychology. Before we knew it, we had arrived at her house.

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