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I woke up and was confused as to where I was for a moment. It wasn't very often I woke up somewhere that wasn't my house, but the warm body next to me clued me in.

His sleeping eyes were peaceful, and the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest nearly hypnotized me back into sleep.

A few locks had fallen into his face, so I brushed them back as gently as I could. To disturb my prince would be a crime too heinous for me to commit. Carefully, I sat up and wobbled to the bathroom. It was still only dawn, so there was no natural light to guide me, and Lord knows I could never turn on a light and risk waking Ray, so I resolved to just feel my way through the darkness.

When I returned to the bed, I resumed the warm spot in the mattress that I had left. This time, when Ray's breaths beckoned me to sleep, I answered the call.


Y/n's face was squished against the pillow that she hugged tightly in her sleep. Her lips were pursed out slightly and mumbling something I could barely make out. She's sleeptalking.

Her soft voice whispered something about being cold. She would repeat words over again.

Cold, cold, cold, please, please, cold. Blanket, please, please, cold.

I could see Y/n shivering slightly under the blanket; her legs were pulled closely to her torso. When I pulled her to me and wrapped my arms around her, her whimpers slowed to incoherent mumbles, then stopped completely, having gained the warmth she needed.

I tucked her head under my chin and spent the next hour drifting in and out of REM sleep before Y/n stirred awake. Her half-lidded eyes and goofy smile bade me good-morning before leaving a minute kiss on the tip of my nose.

"You're cute, you know that?" I asked, stroking her hair. Y/n responded by giggling into my neck and kissing my cheek.

"I know." She propped herself up a little and stared non-specifically out at the floor through squinty eyes. "I'm the cutest."

"Oh yes, absolutely. The cutest." I laughed, turning on my side.

"You sound sarcastic." Y/n looked down at me and narrowed her eyes even more. "Do you not think I am the cutest in the land?"

"Oh no, no! Of course I do." I smiled up at her.

"Oh splendid." She returned to her indirect stare. "For a moment I thought I was gonna have to banish you."

"From my own apartment?"


There were a few moment's silence between us. Y/n had this habit very often. She would leave us in a silence while she stared out at nothing. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, in fact, it was quite comfortable. Soft and lovely.

Y/n climbed over me and out of the bed and stood stretching on the floor.


Ray made me pancakes that morning. They were fluffy. It reminded me of some far off memory that was just out of my reach. As we ate, Ray told me about his band.

My Chemical Romance was very new. They had just started a half a year before and had only a few songs. The ones I had heard a rehearsal were all that they had. "Except for this one song." Ray explained. "I think you'll like it though."

I said I looked forward to hearing it and I couldn't wait until I could see them perform again. When we were both finished eating, Ray offered to take me home, to which I accepted. I went to change back into my dress and jacket. When I emerged, Ray was leaning against the wall, dressed and ready to go. He smiled when he saw me. "Ready?"

I'm Only Living For You (A Ray Toro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now