Our New Lives In Azuchi

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Akira continued to wheeze weakly as I held her hand with a worried look on my face.

"Onee-chan, please wake up."

Akira coughed a little and I touched her cheek and she was still burning up.

'She's got a terrible fever, what's wrong with her? this can't be from inhaling too much smoke from earlier.'

I thought to myself as I placed another cool cloth on her forehead. Just then, I heard someone entering the tent. I stood up from the ground and there was a man dressed as a ninja. I was about to call for help until he covered my mouth.

"Don't panic, it's me."

The ninja said as he removed his mask.

"It's you!"

"Keep it down, I'm not exactly welcomed here."

"Who are you?"

"It's easiest if I start from the beginning. My name is Sasuke Sarutobi and just like you and your sister, I come from the present or rather, the future."

Sasuke slowly began to explain what had happened since our encounter at the stone monument. After a long explanation, I was surprised and shocked when Sasuke told me what happened at the stone monument.

'That explanation made my head spin.'

"So let me get this straight, that lighting strike caused spacetime to wrap around us and sent us into the past?"

"Yes. That is a very simplified and condensed version of my current theory. We entered the wormhole at the same time. However, I arrived four years prior to you. In that time, I've realised something, this is not the Sengoku period we're familiar with. We're in an alternate timeline. In my time travel, I arrived at the place where Uesugi Kenshin collapsed. I saved his life with my knowledge of modern medicine. If this were our timeline, Uesugi Kenshin should be dead by now."

I was surprised by this explanation and Sasuke continued.

"In the same way, the warlord Takeda Shingen, who is supposed to be dead by now, is also still alive. I predicted that you would do a time travel, as well, and searched for you but, I never imagined you would only arrive four years after me."

"Just as I expected, this really isn't a dream."

"Nope, luckily not. I suppose you could say that seeing the famous warlords of the Sengoku with my own eyes is a dream come true for me."

Sasuke said with a smirk and I sweat dropped a little.

"You're strangely chipper about this, but, you didn't answer my question, why are you a ninja? did you learn that while living here for four years."

"My parents were big history bluffs so I got my name from the legendary ninja that served Yukimura Sanda. Because he's fictional, I've taken his 'place' in this time. I figured that will keep my impact on history low."

I then heard Akira coughing again and I checked to see if she was waking up again. 


Akira didn't wake up but, she continued to breathe heavily as she slept. Sasuke checked her over and he asked me.

"She's struggling to breathe normally, can you tell me what's wrong with her?"

"She's got TB, but, we were in Honno-ji when it caught fire and when we rescued Lord Nobunaga, anyway, I'm worried the smoke halation has made her illness worse."

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