Chapter Four

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Jack Avery's POV

As Zach casually strolled over towards me, I was debating whether or not just running away. The idea seemed like a good option instead of dealing with him where my dearest brother could see us.

I wasn't even completely certain why I had grown such a large fear of him so suddenly, maybe I just wasn't ready to unlock a new stage in my life? I've never been touched so erotic before, reading about it is so much different from actually, physically experiencing.

My eyes wonder slowly, daringly even, back to Zach who was only steps away from approaching me. Flickering back and forth between Corbyn and his best friend, I could see the two different expressions playing along their faces - one of confusion while the other in a sense of determination.

Finally as time stops, Zach was seated next to me and I felt his hand slide down to my lower back shamelessly. Immediately I glare at him until I feel him slip something into my back packet, a note.

"Hurry." He whispers into my ear then gets up again with that same look of calmness seemingly only he can form within awkward situations.

My brother was watching us with this puzzled expression, his gaze was mainly aimed at Zach as the brown eyed boy sent him a cocky wink and followed the way Jonah went moments ago.

Subconsciously, I swallow down the lump built up in my throat and frown. I was attempting terribly to fight back a sickening blush, I was a horrible brother. Obviously, Zach had grew to believe there was something between us and I needed to end it now.

My current situation had me walking on a string of wool above a burning fire, if the flames got high enough, my last string of wool would burn causing me to fall into the mistake I had directly dived into. If that wasn't the case, I would step too quickly and tumble into the crackling fire, my only chance of survival was turning around and leaving.

Sending my brother a small timid smile, I reach into my pocket and pull out a white piece of paper. With sweaty hands, I open the note and reluctantly read the contents.

'Meet in the first floor bathroom, 10 mins.'

The writing was messy and rushed, the letters barely creating readable words. Although I couldn't take notice of that as my thoughts start racing, my heart copying soon afterwards.

Chewing gently on my bottom lip, I glance carefully up at Corbyn who had erupted into conversation with the girl Zach had originally groped. He didn't deserve this, as his brother, I shouldn't get involved with his best friend; it's breaking every rule in the book.

I was going to reject the beautiful brown haired boy today, whatever was going on was officially over before it ever truly started and blossomed. If I'm being honest, I was probably expecting more from him then he was willing to give.


Watching the clock tick by, nerves were eating me out from the inside. I was nibbling on my nails while waiting for exactly eleven minutes to pass, I was layered in cold sweat. I've never broken anything off with anyone in the past, I've always willed myself to be kind and choose the nicest options.

There were so many possibilities to how this could go... Heck, he could just beat me up in the stale and tell me he was never interested in the first place.

All too quickly, eleven minutes had ticked around causing me to swallow once again and stand up on shaky legs. My feet start walking towards the door before I can somehow convince myself out of going.

The bathroom was too close, eventually along the way, I had made myself believe he had set me up and wasn't going to actually show up. Lunch was almost over and, unfortunately, I had History next which was one of the few classes I share with Zach.

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