A/N x2

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A/N: Hello dear friends! It's been a few months since I've last updated and I just had a few words to say and things to touch on before I get, hopefully, to the last update.

Now before I say anything about the story itself, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for continuing to read this,, piece of work through the years. I started this story when I was just fifteen years old back in July of 2016. I'm eighteen now, my writing is more developed (or so I'd like to think!) and it's easy to see because of how sporadically I updated. There's changes in each chapter in not only writing style, but with the way I mapped the environments.

Now, on the mention of starting this in 2016, I have to keep in mind that it's been ages since I've played Fallout 4 and with the recent release of 76 being so greatly disappointing (I preordered and played the game for quite sometime just to give it a chance) I have not had any desire to go back and play 4 again sadly. Maybe I'll find the desire to someday, but even with that I hardly ever update this work and I feel as if it's finally time to end it. I'm sure of how I'm going to end it, I have it mapped out in my head and all I have to do now is get it into words. All I can hope is that it's the end you're searching for. ♥️

With the end of this, though, comes hope! I'm still into other things still, things such as:

OFF (Mortis Ghost)
Bioshock (1 & 2, I wasn't largely a fan of infinite sadly)
Homestuck (yes in 2019.)
Borderlands (I'm very excited for whatever news about this gearbox has for us very soon!)
Left 4 Dead (there's a game from the developers that got teased officially the other day, it's called "Back 4 Blood" 👀)
As funny as it is, I still enjoy creepypasta and I love it when I can find well fleshed out writing instead of just "Hi you're the reader and your parents abuse you and this is what links you and ______ together" (please give me good story suggestions that aren't like this please my crops are dying. My grades are sinking. My acne is returning.)

ALL OF THESE are things that I could (probably, hopefully,) write about! I'm still getting the hang of where things should be placed and how events can go smoothly but practice makes perfect and if you guys are willing to give constructive feedback, we could make stories work best together! The readers are just as important if not more than the writers. YOU make this possible!

So with this, I leave some suggestions open! Maybe I'll form a book of one-shots from these listed and we can work from there. We'll see, let me know what you guys think. With all this being said, I've really had a fantastic time doing this and having enough creative freedom to not be as shy about putting pieces of my writing out there. So the last chapter of Closer To Metal will be coming soon and wrapping the entire story up into a nice bow. Thank you again! I love you guys.

(p.s, my Instagram is CleanPeachy. Drop me a DM if you'd like to follow/talk to me. 16 and older please! anything less makes me sort of uncomfortable. Thank you. 👀♥️) - Lee

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