Chapter 10.

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The walk back to Sanctuary Hills was long. Not as long as it usually felt to you, but this also could've been caused by your mind wandering places as you and Nick left silent footfalls on dead winter grass.

As you come back down to earth, your eyes flicker from side to side at your surroundings, landing on your feet as you walk. You wonder if Nick had meant what he said earlier, about not wanting to lose you. You knew he meant it in a friendly sort of way, so that meaning was not something you questioned. Just the more.. Romantic meaning.

You shake this thought away as you both arrive to Sanctuary, Nick looking (down/up) at you. He gives a soft smile, to which you return, and begin to move towards the house you usually stayed in. You fumble around with the medkit for a moment before bringing it to him, sitting down in front of him on the couch and gently holding your arm out.

Nick begins to remove the bandages, giving a soft whistle as he sees the gunshot wound.

"Whew. They did quite the number on you, doll."

Doll? That was new. You had a nickname for him, Nicky, but usually he kept to just saying (Y/N) when addressing you.
Not that you minded the little nickname, though. You give a soft nod to his comment. "Yeah, I hadn't even realized it'd happened. I just felt this numb sensation and then my vision got real blurry.." you mumble, eyes flickering from your wound to his eyes. You've always adored his eyes, the way they could brighten a room. Quite literally, too.
You and Nick chat for awhile, companions starting to flood in to see what'd been going on with you two.
You greet every single one as they come in, even though it was slimming the chance of having some alone time with Nick, as you two usually tended to chat more when you're alone.

The alone time never comes, and you're left in the living room with a few others such as a sleeping Deacon, MacCready and Hancock.

You fall silent, and try and get some rest as well.

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