chapter 28 (Guana)

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Andy's pov

Guana Island is a part of British virgin Island. This Island has 3 beach resorts and 15 villas. (Thats not true, I dont know how much resorts are there. Its just for the story.)

This Island is always filled with couples. Boating is also available and paragliding too.

Now its 5pm and We nearly reached the island and I looked the beautiful view of the whole island.

Now its 5pm and We nearly reached the island and I looked the beautiful view of the whole island

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The jet landed on a runway that was made only for the Beaumont family.

The door of the plane opened and Rye was the one who get off from the plane then I jumped from it. Looking at the beautiful view.

We are standing in near a pool which is besides in a resort

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We are standing in near a pool which is besides in a resort.

A man ran from the resort to us. He seemed.....seemed scared.

"Mr Beaumont, Mr Fowler welcome" he said tensed.

"Is it everything ready as I told?" Rye asked in his bossy tone.

"Yes sir, everything is ready" the man said.

"Good" rye said

"Sir the car is ready, if you want to go now or you want to rest here little bit" the man asked

"We will go now" rye said holding my hand and lead me to the car. Before leaving, I gave the man a small smile which he return politely.

I saw some men getting inside the jet and return with our bags. They walked fastly towards the car and put them on the back before qe reaching there.

Rye is soo scary
But not with mee..

We sat on the back side of the car and Blair sat on the passenger seat. Driver was someone else.

"Where are we going now?" I asked Rye

"To my Villa" he said

"Rye. Is this every resorts and the villas are yours or you give rent?" I asked

"Every single thing in this island is mine. Now its ours" he said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I blushed.

Little later we reached a beautiful Villa. And I loved it. We entered the Villa , as soon as we entered, again some mens took our bags inside the house and kept it somewhere.

"Andy walk around, I will right back" rye said to me.

I nodded and smiled.
He seems so happy too.

I walked around the Villa, like from the outside the inside is also beautiful. It is only one storie building. But this building is soo large and long.

I walked to the back side of the house.  I saw a big glassed wall. I opened the glass door and there was a pool outside and its soo beautiful.

 I opened the glass door and there was a pool outside and its soo beautiful

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We can see beach from here too. The view is breath taking and I cant stop my smiling.

I jumped a little as a pair of arms wrapped around me....again

"Stop scaring me like that" I said

"Sorry" he said giggling

"How is it? Do you like it?" He asked

"No, I didnt like it. I actually..." I stopped.
He turned me and looked at me confused.

"I actually LOVE IT" I shouted the last part

He hugged me tightly and I hugged back.

"Rye seriously its soo beautiful" I said

He pulled away and kissed my fore head.

We stared a little then he leaned and kissed my lips. I kissed back, just a sweet kiss. He pulled away.

"I cant wait to have fun with you for the rest of the days" he said

"Me too"


"For this few days we are going to enjoy"

"Yes" Rye said

"For this few days we are alone"

"Yes" he said

"For thie few days only both of us are in this Villa"

"Yes Andy yes" he said giggling

"And iam soo happy about it" I said

"Me too" he said

"Why arnt you sleeping? Its been 1hour we are on bed and you havnt sleep yet" I asked him.

"You are talking and I wanna hear. Besides why arnt you sleeping" he asked

"I always sleep late and you know that. I think I should stop talking" I said

"No, I love to hear yout talk" he said

I smiled and lay my head on his chest. The moonlight from the glass wall can show us eachothers face. And he really look soo beautiful.

"Why are you smiling baby?" He asked smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked

"I asked first, you have to answer me" he said

"You look soo beautiful" I said

"Now tell me why were you smiling?" I asked

"My answer is same as you.
You look soo beautiful" he said

I snuggled into his chest.
He chuckled.

I traced my fingers in his hair and rubbed it slowly until I hear light snoring from him.
I looked at him, he finally sleeps.

Little later my eyes felt heavy and I drifted to sleep.

Short chapter.
Thankyou for reading....

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