chapter 40(office)

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Andy's pov

Now iam alright, my breathing is perfect. Rye shows me his office around, not his office room most of the other room  in that building too. Mikey get me ice-cream too, he is sweet.

After little bit of exploring his office building we get back to his office.
He make tea in his tea machine.
I sat on his desk and looking at him.

"What are you staring at princess?" He asked

"Usually normal people have coffee machines on their office but Ryan Beaumont have a tea machine" I said giggling

He walk towards me with two cup of tea.

"Thats it, you said iam Ryan beaumont so iam not like normal people" he said

He placed the cups on the desk and walk to me. He stood between my legs as iam still sitting on the desk. He hold my hips with both of his hands then he leaned and kissed me, a little harder.

He pulled away and looked at me, he removed my hair which was laying on my forehead and again kissed my lips. He kissed again and again.

A knock came on his door but he didnt stop.

"" I said between kisses

He didnt stop he kept kisses me. He pulled away and placed his forehead on mine and looked at my eyes.

The knock came again.

"You are soo beautiful" he whispers.

Then we heard the door opening. We turned our head to see his secretary standing there with wide eyes.

Rye yelled

I shivered at his anger.

"Boss but-" she was going to say something but he cutt off


With tears she leave the room.

"You made her cry" I said

"I didnt tell her to come in even if she knocked or not" he said

"Rye, theres no need to yell like that" I said smiling and keep his coat correctly.

"Yeah, I just cant control my anger" he said

"Dont worry" I said and hugged him.

"Did that Noah came to school today?" He asked

"Y-yeah" I said

"What are you hiding princess? What did he say?" He asked

"He said he like me and he want me" I said

He rubbed my back.

"I hate when he make a hatred face while talking about you" I said frowning my eyebrows.

Rye chuckles.

"Its alright, you love me thats all I need" he said

I smiled.

He place my hands on the desk and he kissed me again. He bite my bottom lip and he slipped his tongue as I gasped. He slowly pushes me on the desk and pinning my hands above my head. He sucked my tongue. I shiver little as his cold metal chain touches my neck.
He then go to my neck and start sucking and biting.

"Ryeee" I moaned

He didnt respond, he kept do what he was doing. He put his hand under my shirt and placed it at my back.

"Your hands ...are soo..cold" I said between moans.

"Because Iam a cold person" he said biting my neck

I whimpered underneath him.

"Why are you so innocent?" He mumbled in my neck

I didnt respond, too busy for moaning.

He squeezed my bum so I moaned loudly.

"Answer me princess, why are you soo innoccent?" He asked again

"I-i dont....I dont know" I said between moans

"Why are you soo beautiful?" He asked

"I dont..... know Rye" I said

"Why are you so cute?" He asked

"I....dont.....know" I said

He stopped biting my neck then he licked it.
He pulled away and looked at me,  still top of me.

"Why is your eyes so damn blue?" He asked

"Ummm...I dont know" I said

He again leaned and kissed my lips. Then he rolled his hips onto me.

"Uhhh" I moaned over the sensation.

"Feel good?" He asked as he do it again

I shut my eyes tightly sensing the feeling

"Open your eyes my angel" he whispers

So I opened my eyes seeing his chocolate brown eyes.

"Does it feel good?" He asked again doing it

"Yeahhh...its good" I said moaned

"We have to stop before I get hard or everyone in this building will hear your scream" he whispered seductively.

I shivered at his words and blushed.

Damn that

"Come on, we have to sit together" he said dragging me to the couch.

I sat on the couch then he go back to his desk and came back with his laptop.

"Iam working here and you can talk" he said placing an kiss on my lips

"I want to cuddle you, dont want to talk" I said

I dont want him to distract from his work. Iam happy in his presence.

"Ok baby. As you wish" he said and started his work.

I lay my head on his shoulder and I closed my eyes.
I soon drifted to sleep.


"Andy... andy wake up baby. Time to go" rye wake me shaking lightly.

I opened my eyes and I see the sun is almost setting.

"Come on I will drop you home" he said

I nodded rubbing my eyes.
He chuckled.

"You are soo cute" he said and pinched my nose.

He drops me at my home and exchange goodbye kisses.

I have plenty of texts and calls from brook and jack. I replied to them saying everything is fine.

"Andy, rye told me you wasnt well" my mom asked as she entered my room.

So I told her everything.

"Its okay baby, you got worry" she said and kissed my head.

I smiled at her.

I wish that Alexander will leave us alone.

Hope everyone loves it.

-Sherin Shahab♥♥♥

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