chapter 44(punishment)

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☆little smut warning☆

Andy's pov

He then walked to the closet and grab something from there. He walked back towards me his hand has a.....what is it?
A pink thing.

"Lay down" he commanded

I quickly obeyed. I lay down on his bed. He came closer to me and removed the blaket which was covered over me.

He then took a rope from side table and tied my each hands on each bed poles.

I gulped and stared at him.

Iam little scared and little excited too.

He crawled over me and gently took my boxers off. He stared at my cock. I blushed.

"Do you know what this is?" He asked holding the pink thing in his hand.

I shake my head as no

He pinched my nipple and I let out a whimper.

"I want words princess, words" he said

"N-no I dont know what it is" I said

"Okay, this is a vibrator to give some vibration to your beautiful body" he said

I looked at thing carefully. It looks like a model of penis.

Is he going to penetrate me with that?

"What are you thinking princess?" He asked

"Does it hurt?" I asked

He leaned and kissed my lips.

"No it wont" he said

I smiled

"Now iam going to do something to you" he said

I nodded

"Close your eyes princess and enjoy" he said

So I closed my eyes and relaxed on the sheet. Then I heard a buzz sound then my whole body jolted as he put that thing on my cock.

I opened my eyes with a whimper.

"Did I told you to open your eyes?" He asked

"No" I swallowed and again closed my eyes

He do it again on my whole length. I tried to pull my hand from the rope but failed. I want him to touch me, not the vibrator.

"I want to t-touch you" I said through moaning.

"This is a punishment baby, remember" he said

My whole body is shaking now. I cant move my legs by too much pleasure.
My hips stuttered.

"You cant cum right now. You have to hold it" he said

This feeling is too much. I want to come. I want to cum so badly but afraid of Ryes punishment.

He keep does it. Iam trying so hard to not to cum.

"Okay you can cum now" he said

So I did. The white liquid flowed from my cock to belly.

He then untied my hands and cleaned me. Iam so tired now.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled towards him.

"You are tired, sleep baby" he said

Then I drifted to sleep on his arms.

"How did you come there?" I asked rye who is sitting in  front of me and watching me eating.

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