chapter 57(iam what?)

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Andy's pov

"So whats your problem?" Simon asked

Simon and me are close friends, he work on our hospital. He is a doctor too. I came to him for a checkup as I promised to Rye.

"I had morning sickness for 5days and today too. Its really making me so tired " I said

"You are saying like you are pregnant" he said giggling

I laughed.

"Yeah, iam pregnant with Rye's child" I said giggling.

"First lets check you have fever" he said

"Simon iam a doctor too, I know if a person have fever or not. I dont have fever" I said

He glared at me.

"Let me do my job" he said

I giggled and nodded.

He checked me and said I dont have fever.

"We should take a blood test" he said


He then took blood sample from my hand with struggle, because its hurts like hell.

"You have to wait little longer, iam doing every tests.okay?" He said

"Yeah okay" I said

He then leave the room and I took a magazine and kill the time.

Its been two hour and Simon doesnt came back. What is he doing there?

Suddenly the door opened in a bang sound. Revealing  tensed Simon, he looks so scared and confused.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly

"Andy this is so bad" he said and take my hand and drag me out the room.

Do I have cancer or something?

He take me to the scanning room.

"Why are we here?" I asked

"Shut up Andy. Let me check" he said

"Take your shirt off and lay down on the bed" he said

"You are taking my scan?. Why? Is it that bad?" I asked

"If my assumption is correct, then its  worst" he said

I gulped a little and do what he said. He rubbed the gel on my tummy and traced the remote on it. We both looked at the black and white images on the screen. He traced further more lower and I saw something in the screen.

"Whats that?" I asked

"Oh no Andy" he said and traced again.

It looks like some......alien.

He pulled away the remote and looked at me worriedly and tensed.

"If something wrong then you can say" I said smiling

He looked so sad and worried.

Am I gonna die or something?

"You are pregnant" he said softly

"Iam What?" I asked loudly.

"Andy you are 2 months pregnant" he said

I laughed.

"Simon dont joke like this" I said

"THIS IS NOT A JOKE" he shouted.

I looked at his eyes, he is serious.

"But how? Iam a man" I said

"I have heard something about carriers. I think we should ask the senior doctor what you say?" He asked

I nodded.

Iam pregnant?
Did Rye will be happy?
Does he will be mad?

Oh my god.

I reached home early today. I think about what happened an hour ago.

The senior doctor also confirmed that iam pregnant and said everything about male carriers.

I cant belive iam carrying Rye's child.

Why do I have a uterus in me?

Iam so tensed and so tired at the moment. Thats why I get morning sickness. The doctor give me some pills too.

What am I gonna do?

I rubbed my belly with my hands, I felt a smile on my face too.

What if Rye say he dont want any kids? What if he dont like after this? What if he abort this baby? What if....
Theres so much what if.

No. I wont abort this child. I cant kill a life even its not born and besides its mine and Rye's child. I want this child.

To snap out my thoughts the bell ring and I quickly walked to the front door.

What do I do if its Rye?
He will catch my tensed face.

I opened the door and saw a familiar man smirking at me.. I gasped and fear ran through me..

"See you later"

Then I saw black.


Rye's pov

It was a very busy day. I just reached home and I can hear biscuit's loud barking. I opened the door soon biscuit ran to me and barked.

"Hey buddy what happened?" I asked rubbing his head.

He didnt stop, he kept bark. He looks mad and angry.

"Andy" I called

No response.

Isnt he home yet?
No his car is outside and its 8 in night. He should be home.

"Andy, baby you there?" I asked walking upstairs.

His phone is on the table. I checked the bathroom but he wasnt there. I checked everywhere now my heart is beating fast. He isnt seeing anywhere. I called Brook but he said he didnt saw him. I called Alphy not to worry Jean, he said he didnt seen.

Where are you Andy?

Why was biscuit barking so much?

Then I get a notification and checked to see.

Nice to see him again- Alexander

No. No no no
He took him again, he is back.

What the fuck?

I called at the same number but it didnt respond.

I called Mikey and my men to search everywhere.

"He is back and he doesnt change a bit. Ass hole" Mikey said through gritted teeth.

"He will hurt my Andy, I have to get there before that" I said

I sent a search party to whole london with my men and the police too.

No news.

Again a notification came.

Running for your baby? Dont look in london, he is not there-Alexander

"He is not in london Mikey" I said

Mikey took his phone and call some one.

"Send the information to the whole England and nearby contries too"

"Iam scared" I said

"You have to get strong for Andy" Mikey said

thankyou for 7k readers and I love you.
If you like the chapter give me a vote. Next update will be the day after tommorrow.

-Sherin Shahab ♥♥♥

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