Chapter 1

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"Flight to South Korea now boarding" I heard the speaker announce.

"Mama, is that our flight?" Yijun, my little brother asked.

"Yes, dear" that's my mother, Xinji.

"We better go or we'll miss the flight " and that's my father, Mr.  Sun Wanxing.

He's the reason why we're going to Korea in the first place.

You see, my father used to work at an office and his boss promised him a raise but after about 6 months of waiting.


He didn't even get his paycheck so he quit his job and now we're moving to South Korea.

I'm from China, well all of us are from China,  which is totally obvious.

And we're about to go to a country we don't know the language to.

But I'm an exception, I know how to speak Korean and I'm pretty good at it.

Well I learned it from school.

And for my parents, who are both Chinese— which means there's no halfblood in us —I don't know what's going to happen with them, or what will they do about Yijun.

"C'mon jiějiě, we'll be late for our flight" said Yijun while he was pulling my shirt.

"Okay, okay" I replied.

o n    t h e   p l a n e

"Okay we're here now, happy? " I said to Yijun and he nodded.

I sat next to dad while he sat next to mom.

"Mama, can you hold my hand?" Yijun said looking really nervous.

"I'm scared" he added.

"No worries, dear" mom replied.

I put on my earphones and listened to my favorite band.

I started to fall asleep.

I WOKE up by the sound of my father calling my name.

"Lianjing, lian!"

"I'm up,  I'm up.  What's the matter?" I asked while rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"We're here" he said.

I peeped into the window and saw the beautiful land of Seoul.

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

"I know right,  I've been looking at the window for hours" dad added.

I didn't know Korea was a beautiful sight to see until now. It was my first time to ride a plane so I really enjoyed the moment.


When we got off the plane, I was super excited to travel Korea that I almost forgot about my other bags but then luckily, mom got to reminded me about it.

We again traveled,  this time in our car.  We got to our new house and it was big, I wouldn't say huge but bigger than our old house.

"Mama?" I called.

"Yes, dear?"

"Is this really our house? " I asked in disbelief.

"Why, of course." she replied.

When we went inside, I was for sure the inside was bigger than the outside.

"Papa, can jiêjiê and I see our new school?" gosh, Yijun sure is excited with all this moving stuff.

"Maybe later, we have to unpack first" dad commanded.

We spent the whole afternoon unpacking.

"Mom can we see our new school now?" asked Yijun after he finished unpacking.

"Maybe tommorow morning but no promises" Mom said.

I was in my room still unpacking while hearing their conversation.

They went downstairs and when I was about to go down too, I noticed a weird square on the floor in my room.

Why did I notice just now? jeez.

And it was big, about 2 feet each side.

I reached down thinking it was just a big misplaced tile, so I examined it and even tried to open it.

Then I was confused.

I saw stairs?  I followed the stairs going down when I reached the bottom everything was dark and I couldn't see anything.

So I reached for the wall and tried tapping it to look for a light switch. And there was!

When I opened the it, beautiful lights surronded the room. There was a couch,  a television, and a shelf of books.

I don't know if I was supposed to feel creepy or weirded out.

Like,  why is there a television here?  And the couch was clean and there was no sign of dust or dirt in the room so it must've been used all the time.

It's a hideway if I'm not mistaken.

And of course I wouldn't tell my parents about it, they wouldn't let me stay here.

I went back upstairs and closed the passage way. As I was putting it down carefully mom startled me,

"Lian,  come down it's time for dinner!" she shouted from downstairs causing me to let go of the wooden door.

And it caused a sound like a bomb exploded in my room.

I heard footsteps of going upstairs, I quickly hid it with my carpet.

And after that Dad was standing in the doorway looking worried.

"Are you okay? Did anything happen?" he asked whike panting.

"Oh!  One of my boxes fell" I lied and plastered a fake smile.


"Be careful next time" he said before leaving the room.

a f t e r    d i n n e r

"Wow Mom, dinner was delicious" I complimented.

"Thanks,  dear"

I went up stairs and did my routine like brush my teeth, wash my fave and go to bed.

n e x t   d a y

Mom woke us up extra early today because it was finally time to go visit our soon to be school.

Our school wasn't that far it was about a five minute walk.

When we got there I saw a boy I think is just about my age. He was wearing the school's uniform. And he was standing infront of the schook gates with what I think is his bicycle beside him.

I took a really long look at him and he's pretty handsome to be honest. And for once I thought he was modelling.

On the other hand, my brother didn't care that he was there,  all he cared about was how big the school was.

But then he suddenly approached the boy,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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