chapter thirteen ♣ Battle to be fought

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“We’re going to war” he replied with a sigh.
“war? What do you mean war? I thought the king of Ogwachukwu was ready to do a peaceful handover? Even after we took  it upon ourselves to treat him? After I treated him?” she asked, utterly confused, tears springing into her eyes.
“No baby, shh…don’t cry. You’re  too beautiful for that. It was true that we did heal the king of Ogwachukwu and sent him on his way just a week ago.  I had wanted to delay telling you this but…he later died. On his journey back home, he was poisoned again.”
“poisoned again?" Ajora asked, baffled.
“yes poisoned again”. Ota answered.
“And there was no way his immune system could have survived a second hit after barely recovering from the first one” she murmured.
“exactly. My suspicions go to that guard, Emeke, who was presumedly a very close friend of the now late king.  As soon as the king had died, he made sure the body was buried hastingly and half harzardly the next day, then proclaimed himself the king who was going to lead his people to the next level and to war.  That he was going to do what the late king didn’t have the guts to do. He was going to prepare for battle.  He’s the new king we’ll be fighting against.  The new king of Ogwachukwu"
“How’s our man power against theirs?” she  asked, wondering.
“they’re roughly the same. Although accurately, ours is a bit more than theirs; also taking into consideration the fact that we’d lost some of our men in previous battles and Ogwachukwu hasn’t gone to war in years. So there haven’t been any decrease in their armed forces, if at all possible, more would have even joined, further increasing their military might to almost that of ours"
“So you’re saying the odds are in their favour?” she asked softly, a frown etched on her features.
“No. I’m saying that so far, this is the biggest war we’d be going for”.
  She walked over to the bed and sat down, needing to gather her thoughts. “so…” she finally asked the dreaded question.
“when do you go to war?”
“Tomorrow” he answered simply
“Tomorrow. Tomorrow?!” she replied, genuinely shocked.
“Yes. Tomorrow”. He answered solemnly.
“what do you mean by tomorrow? You haven’t even made war plans or trained your new army intakes! Or…”
“Shh…” he said silencing her and coming to join her on the bed “This is where you’re wrong princess. This is a war that has been all planned out months ago. Even before I’d asked the late king to come over here for the peace treaty, I’d steeled my mind to the fact that there was a possibility we were still going to war, and I’ve never been the kind of man to let trouble come to my doorstep before going out to confront it. I’d started preparing for the war long before the day of the peace treaty. Me inviting the king of Ogwachukwu over here even though I was still preparing for war, was so satisfy my conscience that there was nothing else I could do, and mainly to fulfill all righteousness."
"And now, tomorrow is the day of reckoning?” she asked softly, her eyes pooling with unshed tears.
“I don’t know if I should hug you or be mad at you. I’m touched that you think I’m worthy of your tears and for that, I  love you.  But I’m mad at the fact that your tears tell met that you don’t think that I’m man enough to win this war. You don’t think I have what it takes to win this war”
“No that’s not true Ofe. I have every confidence in your capabilities. I just don’t want to loose you, is all”.  She said truthfully, her head bent down, she couldn’t bear to stare back at that familiar intensity in his eyes. He used his fingers to raise her chin up, bringing her face to his, her mouth to his. And soon they were kissing each other franctically… erotically!
A small part of her for the very first time, remembered Chris.  She wondered if this could be termed as cheating on her fiance. She told herself she still loved chris but, it was getting harder and harder everyday, to admit that fact.  She hated to admit it, even to herself, but she loved the way Ofe made her feel, when he touched her. Things she’d never felt as strongly for Chris; which scared her. Scared her a lot!
She was immediately shoved back to the present when she felt his hands on her bare breasts. Gosh! Just how had her upper attire, come undone?
“Ofe stop. I don’t think I’m ready for this yet” She protested weakly.
“Really? Aren’t you? You deny yourself so many things, you even deny the feelings you’ve got for me. Are you seriously going to deny yourself this too? Knowing just how I feel about you? Knowing about the sexual tension between us?"
She wisely didn’t say anything because she knew deep down that he was right. A primal part of her wanted this. Needed it. So, she let him have his way. Unlimited access to her body. Moaning, panting, knowing that with the coming war, this may be their last chance to be together.
“I plan to worship every inch of you my love." He murmured, huskily.
“Mom! Dad!" Elle called out to her parents, entering their family house for the first time in three weeks.
“yes dear?” they were both seated in the parlour, talking in hushed tones, with the television volume reduced to the barest minimum.
“Mma Nne. Uwa oma ogba” she greeted her parents in their igbo local dialect, genuflecting.
“How are you sweetie? How’s your marriage? You just got out of honeymoon with Chris. I take it, it wasn’t so weird? I mean, you enjoyed him?” her, mom asked her as soon as she sat down.
“Chris…Chris is fine. I’m tired mom. Dad. Tired of pretending to be someone I’m not. It devastates me every night in the bedroom, when we make love, that it's Ajora’s name he calls out, not mine. And that’s not fair at all. Mummy, daddy, I’m pregnant."

. ♥. ♥. ♥. ♥.

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