chapter twenty one ♣ Deaths, lives and truths to be faced

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“Wait….Ella you married Chris?” Ajora asked shocked.
One beat. Two beat.
“mmm…yes Ajora.  I did. We didn’t want to dAjorappoint the Oba and so I took your place to avoid shame coming to Mom and Dad” Elle said softly.
“And now, you’re having his child? Having the child of my fian… uh….ex…fiance? gosh! This is a lot to take in” Ajora said, holding her head and sitting down on the couch closest to her. They'd all come back to this point. This day. The wedding day. The day which was a major, breaking point in all their lives. The day she'd died, the day her sister had pretended to be the bride, and the day her parents had watched it all happen. Watched it all unfold. And somehow, they'd all come back with their memories intact.
“Ajora you said you drowned?” her Dad asked, wearily, still shocked. It was then she remembered that her dad had been the cause of her rape. But she decided to forgive him…really forgive him, there and then because if she hadn’t been raped, even though that had been a very barbaric and traumatic experience for her, then she wouldn’t have died, passed through that window, and met Ota.  And even though their time together had been very short, she wouldn’t have given it up for the world.  She was glad she’d experienced that kind of love. A true kind of love. But that still didn’t stop her from feeling betrayed that her own twin, had married the man that would have been her husband. Gosh! Did her family even bother looking for her? Or they were happy to see her gone? Did they even know that, while they had been celebrating the deceptive wedding of the fake bride, the real bride had been out there in the cold, dying a very slow and torturous death ?
“yes Dad. I did drown" She finally answered. “if you can believe it, believe it  'cause I’m not changing any inch of my story, just because I’m scared that people might not believe it.  I was raped to death and then transported  to another world, the past, through a window. I fell in love with a king there, he died, I died again and voila! Here I am” she said, rolling her eyes in a duh tone.

“well, if we can believe we all went back in time and we somehow all came back to this point, then we can uh…surely believe your story too. I’m so sorry for what you went through, my  love. But at least you’re here now” her dad said softly and she ran into his arms all  over again.

“Ajora,  I hope you can forgive me.  If you still want Chris back, that’s perfectly fine by me.  I'll let him go” Elle said contritely her head bowed down in shame.
“No Elle.  That’s not what I want. You love him right? Well, I no longer love him. Honestly, after experiencing what love truly is, I don’t think I ever really loved Chris. Infatuation? maybe. But no, not love.  So you can have him.  I mean, you’re carrying his child to even start with! It would be very cruel for me to break up two future parents. The to-be parents of my future nephew or niece”
“Thanks alot Ajora.  Honestly, I really do appreciate. 'Cause I do love him;  and just who’s this mysterious king you met, that could make you fall in love so quickly?” Elle asked wryly, now that the  whole tension was gone, she could relax and be herself again.
“His name is Ota Ofedeje. And he’s um…he’s dead” she said softly, with tears coming to her eyes.  Her throat suddenly felt clogged, as if she was almost chocking, but not fully. She steeled herself.  She wasn’t going to cry.  She’d cried too much and died too much to try doing so all over again.
“I’m so sorry , Ajora” Elle said, tears welling up in her own eyes at seeing her twin sister in emotional pain.  She immediately, ran to hug Ajora.

“wait a minute. If we’re really all here in this time, doesn’t that mean, we all have a wedding to prepare for? By now, Chris is in the church, waiting for his bride isn't he? I mean, if we really are reliving history; the right part of history. It has to be the right part, seeing that Ajora didn’t get missing,  or kidnapped, then it means Chris is actually supposed to be in the church waiting right now! The question though is, who’s the bride?” her mom asked looking from one daughter to the other.

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