Bonus chapter II ♣ End a story

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hint! Not really a story. I mean, it's a story but not really a story. Lol. alright let me explain myself. I wrote two quick and really short novellas that in no way relates to this novel. But I've decided to drop it here, in this bonus chapter, in this book because the other two novellas are all from the same setting of Nigeria, Africa. Please keep on reading and tell me what you think about the novellas. You just might like it.


Chapter one
Oh lord not again Vivian thought in a panic as she hurriedly grabbed her purse, her bag and her phone and walked swiftly out of her office wearing her shoes on the way out. walking out of her office, her receptionist just outside didn't bother asking her any questions. Thank God. It payed a lot to have a receptionist as skillful and elegant as Maggie.

Few minutes later, she got to her house. Usman her gateman opened the door for her, greeted her, she didn't bother answering. She'd have to apologize for the rudeness later and she quickly ran to her house. Her house was in utter disarray. She was shocked and stood transfixed as to what she walked into. Her younger sister Vera fucking her fiance like dogs in heat.

She couldn't scream. Couldn't laugh or cry... Just stood. Transfixed. And then slowly, she could feel it. The anger bubbling inside her and then she screamed.

"What's this?!"

They stopped  and both  turned back. Nelson her fiance immediately blurts out "I can explain. Viv please its all a mistake. A huge confusion. I mean, let me explain!"

Her sister sat there smiling, with  her infamous I-really-don't-give-a-fuck look.

"Why?" At that moment, the only question  she could ask. With tears pooling in  her eyes.

Taking her eyes away from them for a minute, she walked into her house, fully taking into cognizance the way the expensively furnished bungalow was in utter disarray.

Turning back to them, her face a mask of hardened features, she said "You've got exactly five minutes to pack  your shit and both get out of my house and my life forever."

Vera stood up in all her naked glory smirking. " you can't tell me to walk away from your life. I'm your sister. Your baby sister"

"You know what bitch? Fuck you! No... Wait. Fuck you again! Who the fuck do you think you are? "

"And just who gave you the right to talk to me like that? That I'm your baby sister does not mean that I'm trash that you can just walk over. I'm tired of you having everything. The money, the good job, ha! Even the right guy. You're a sick selfish asshole. You can't ever share anything including the guy you claim to be yours. Well, guess what elder sister? He's mine now" Vera says as she starts dressing up

" and you say you're not trash? Well, you actually aren't just any trash are you vera? Oh no. You're my trash. My scum. In essence, my bitch. The only thing you'll ever get is my leftovers you slut. So when I say get out of my house, I mean every fucking word of it!"

"My pleasure" vera says snidely

"Oh no bitch. The pleasure's all mine."

" um Vivian... " Nelson tries to speak up

" no sweetie hold it. I neither talk to trash nor someone else's bitch. Now get the fuck out of my house" and with that, she walked into her room not looking back to see if they left or not but after a while, she heard the door bang.

Good riddnace to bad rubbish she thought as she poured herself a drink front the fridge in her room.

She mentally reminded herself to increase Usman's pay. He was the one who had called her to inform her that her sister and her fiance had entered her house and were raking the whole place up.

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