15# Wave

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Touching the ground Naruto tensed... his instincts was telling him to run as soon as he got off the boat. After a moment of walking after the incident with Tazuna, they decided to continue the mission... They got on a boat and nothing happened on the way over the water... However Naruto couldn't shake his feeling. He zipped up the jacket Ryou gave to him in a slight reassuring squeeze to his person. "Tazuna... How far exactly is your home?" Naruto asked making Kakashi look over curiously. "About three miles... why? What is it?" Naruto shook his head as he rubbed his arm slightly. "Something is here..." The blue eyed genin muttered, Kakashi; however, was thinking.. "So he's a sensor..." 

Naruto had a small spark from his hand snapping him from his stupor, walking towards the others who were getting guided by Tazuna. He looked down at his hand, wondering how it happened... Clenching his hand into a fist he closed his eyes and focused, feeling his chakra... his team's chakra with Tazuna's small amount for being a average civilian. As soon as Naruto felt something other then their own chakra he grabbed a kunai and threw it into a bush... it vanished suddenly making Naruto go wide eye.

"W-What was that Naruto?" Sakura asked before Sasuke went over to the bush and moved it to see a white bunny. "S-Some one was there... I was sure of it.." Naruto whispered before he closed his eyes again... feeling something drastically flying towards there way... That was when Kakashi shouted, "GET DOWN!" Dropping to his knees Naruto put his hand to the ground before he saw a massive executioners blade spin over their heads. Naruto looked up, his mind was flaring with fear... his instincts were on overdrive.

Hearing the blade hit a tree, Naruto gulped ever so slightly seeing a man standing perfectly on the hilt, bandages covering the lower half of his face before he jumped off the blade and grabbed the hilt. "Your brat is good, he must be your sensor." The blond felt his hair stand up in the back of his neck, Sasuke and Sakura didn't have the better of the feeling either, Death roamed around the man... and now, it was flying around them, thousand needle like puncture was the feeling, chills running up their whole body.

"Do not worry, I will protect you." Kakashi said before he gave a signal to the three with two fingers. They went around Tazuna in a triangle like shape before the fog around them began to thicken. "It's not very polite to lie Hatake." When the three could barely see in front of themselves, Naruto did a few hand signs before the wind began to pick up, the fog moving away, but the chakra kept it hard to keep going. Naruto had a bead of sweat flowing down his face as Kakashi was finally back in sight. "I suppose the support is on my hit list first." 

Naruto went wide eye, the voice was directly behind him, turning towards Tazuna, he saw the man they call Zabuza standing there, his sword swinging... Let me show you the reason why i'm called the demon of the mist."


"Finally.. A worthy adversary"

... (PLAY SONG!)...

The swing connected.. however... holding onto the blade was red bubbling chakra coating the blonds hand, his eyes being overshadowed by his hair. Said blond squeezed the legendary blade before it cracked under the pressure. "Let ME show you why you aren't a demon." Zabuza smirked under his mask before the wind picked up, the blond wasn't even using hand signs... Naruto looked up slowly, his eyes scarlet red with slits down the middle. "HYA!" Naruto growled out a shout, his voice much more animalistic before a wind blast pulsed from the blond and blasted the missing ninja away from him.

Stepping forward he looked down at himself, the power was... "Mine kit, I won't have you dying before the fun starts." Naruto felt his mind slowly slipping from control before he jumped forward onto the water where Zabuza flew towards. Sakura and Sasuke could only stare in shock while Kakashi was quite literally terrified. The blond floating on the water looked around before he heard a shout from below the water. "Water style Water dragon jutsu!" Looking down he saw a dragon head shooting up, The red chakra immediately reacting and pushed the blond up before his hands began to move. "Wind style, great gale." The blond moved his hands before the water dragon was redirected with the direction of the wind, shooting up to the sky before the wind compacted, "Fire style; Flame link." The kyuubified blond whispered before fire shot up towards the wind jutsu, the oxygen in the wind style jutsu reacting before the air above them exploded in steam.

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