31# Forest Of Death

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Ryouichi looked up in awe at the gates that stood before them, they had to walk a certain distance out of the village but once he got there he couldn't help but wonder what was causing such an odd amount of growth in the forest. Naruto who was behind him looked at it in disdain, as if reliving some bad memories. Haku noticed and tilted his head. "Have you been in there? What's it like?" Naruto gave him a look, "You're asking me what it's like, it's called the forest of death for a reason, some Chunin don't come out!"

Naruto shuddered before Ryou looked over. "You never told me about that, when have you been there?" He asked curiously making him sigh slightly. "I was kinda lost outside the village once and stumbled upon this... Then Anko found me and decided to play a game of knife toss with me as the target running through this hell hole." He shuddered making Ryouichi pause and look over towards the woman who was now standing in the middle of all the genin who were wondering what they would be doing.

"Alrighty, maggots! This here is Training ground 44!" She waved towards the giant gates behind her. "Otherwise known as the forest of death." She gave a cackle seeing a few looks being uncomfortable. "We will be sending you in with a mission. Retrieve a heaven and earth scroll, to find these well..." She waved a chunin who had a cart and she held up a scroll. "We will be giving you all a random scroll, to pass... you must find a team and take their scroll, if you don't find the right one, start again. Take the two scrolls to the middle of the forest! The tower!" Anko giggled happily at the looks.

"I see so when she said she'd half us she was being literal..." Naruto muttered while Haku nodded his head. "You've been here you said... so you must have an advantage?" The blond nodded his head, "I've been at the tower before, we should be fine as long as we find the scroll." A whistle made Naruto flinch and a stinging sensation made it known to his face. "Ahh but it's never simple Naru-chan~!" Anko's voice made it to the back of his ear and he felt a slimy appendage lick the blood from his cheek. 

"Sorry Anko, but I've seen scarier." Anko felt something and she looked down to see a Kunai pointing at her stomach prone to strike. "Oh~ You've gotten good. How is the fire capital? I have always wanted to go." She asked getting off of the blond. "Very beautiful, you should come." He replied while Haku and Ryou gave each a look, "He's just going to forget what she just did!?"  "Excuse me." A voice cut everyone from their thoughts and they all looked to see a really long tongue holding the kunai Anko threw.

"Ah thank you, Try not to sneak up on me or I will kill you." She giggled before grabbing the kunai and wiping it off briefly. "Sorry, blood gets me riled up." The female grass ninja said and slowly backed away but it seemed like she was scanning the genin... Ryouichi gave a small shudder at the long tongue before looking back towards Anko who seemed to be continuing the explanation. "We only have one rule for this test! Do not open the scrolls... bring them to the tower and your mission will be complete." She stated simply making all the participants nod.

Scrolls were passed along to everyone with a cloth covering the words so no one would know what others would be getting. Naruto grabbed the scroll and nodded to the person before putting it in his bag, making sure to push down his curiosity as he did not want to jeopardize themselves... He looked over to the other teams and saw a boy with war paint grab the cloth and rip it off for everyone to see an earth scroll...

Naruto made sure to keep a note of that but the look in the boy's eyes made Naruto shiver... was he stupid or was he... luring his prey. The blond went back towards Ryouichi who kept scanning the competition while Haku kept looking towards the two of them and smiled. "So I couldn't help but wonder, but how did you meet?" Haku's curiosity made Ryou turn slightly and gave a small smile. "You know that Ramen bar we passed?" when he nodded Ryouichi smiled making him gawk. 

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