f o r t y - f o u r

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gloria @itsgloria   29/3/2019
I absolutely appreciate every single tweet of yous, you all are incredibly sweet and I wouldn't expect it, never. But Harry and I are just friends for now. 😘
💬1.234 🔁5.909 ♥️7.500

harry's nipple @stylesnipple  29/3/2019
@itsgloria for now = they're fucking
💬26 🔁65 ♥️100
gloria @itsgloria   29/3/2019
@stylesnipple oh, please Chris 🤥
💬20 🔁100 ♥️500

harry's nipple @stylesnipple  29/3/2019@itsgloria for now = they're fucking 💬26 🔁65 ♥️100|gloria @itsgloria   29/3/2019@stylesnipple oh, please Chris 🤥 💬20 🔁100 ♥️500

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