s i x t y - t h r e e

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Little Mix

but you probably already knew that

We had a short conversation about it days ago
but yay! You're way too cute together <3

thanks gorgeous

so? Are you two a thing now?

mh, I don't know


I said I like him, he said he feels the same, we kissed for a while and didn't talk about it

So now you are like...
friends with benefits?

way too soon for that
i think we're going to some dates and see what's gonna happen

Hurry up cause I really wanna do that double date we talked about

we can do it whenever you legend want

let's see what Ales says

we are a thing
boyfriend and girlfriend you know
he just asked 😍


thank your for the push
I really needed someone to push me and make me do the first move
I've really appreciated it

You're welcome babe
now please, go kiss your frog again

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