o n e h u n d r e d - t h i r t y - s i x

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gotta zayn

imperrie added zabdiel1344

imperrie bro this username sucks

itsgloria OH SHIT

Harry_Styles who's that

zaynmalik you know it's her new boyfriend

jessicanelson well, i wonder why she didn't want him to be added

itsgloria shut up jessica

Harry_Styles yeah, why didn't you?

zabdiel1344 what's this?

imperrie welcome luv

itsgloria y'all

Harry_Styles it's a groupchat, duuuuuh

itsgloria i swear to god i'll kick your ass

Harry_Styles i'm so afraid

zabdiel1344 really? i didn't know groupchats exist

imperrie the war just started

itsgloria i hate you all 😩

jeedthirlwall i did nothing this time

itsgloria so? does that mean you won't do something that will upset me very very very soon?

jeedthirlwall mh

itsgloria exactly

zaynmalik so how's gloria's new boyfriend doing?

zabdiel1344 i'm fine
zabdiel1344 i'm wondering why i'm here

itsgloria ask perrie

zabdiel1344 obviously it's her fault

Harry_Styles why I agree?

zaynmalik you two are best friends, you shared the same girl it's normal

itsgloria i'll make jade laugh next to you, so she can slap you

jeedthirlwall so you don't hate me today

zabdiel1344 she hates everyone today, i'm scared

imperrie iM DEAD
imperrie she probably received a bad visit today

Harry_Styles ouch ernesto 💀

zabdiel1344 🏃

itsgloria your puertorican ass would never

Harry_Styles THIS SENDS ME -

zabdiel1344 she's gonna use me like a maid, isn't she?

Harry_Styles yup
Harry_Styles she would use you to make her tea, cuddle her, bring her food etc

zabdiel1344 why did i postpone my flight 😭

imperrie that was a bad idea, i can guarantee you

itsgloria i know you don't like me when i have my period, but IT AINT MY FAULT 😭
itsgloria and i can guarantee you no one can make a good pasta except zayn

zaynmalik thank you i guess????

Harry_Styles but you've always told me you liked my pasta

itsgloria it sucked

zabdiel1344 thank god i can't cook at all

itsgloria 🤥

zabdiel1344 well, i can't cook pasta

itsgloria why you're lying

zabdiel1344 does it mean you liked my pasta?

itsgloria mhhh a little, you've a lot to learn and i'm here to teach you

imperrie who do you think you are


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