An Exceptional Beginning

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Marcus was a young, shy kid at the age of 17. He was still figuring his life out, but he for sure knew one thing. He had a big passion for reading and it's what he did most of his days, he loved almost every genre. Marcus' nationality is Mexican, he wears black glasses and a blue puffy sweatshirt, his brown fluffy yet wavy hair tops it all off almost perfectly. His blue skinny jeans down to his black high tops and back up to the watch on his right wrist. He was a shy kid, liked to keep to himself and didn't have many if any friends to talk to, which he didn't mind one bit. He was never looking for a friend and never had been, he's perfectly fine with how his life is now and is happy with it mot importantly! Marcus lives in a small 2 bedroom house with his mother Kate, he never got the chance to meet his father growing up, Marcus' father passed away before he was born from a fatal car accident. He adored hearing stories his mother would tell him about his father. Always telling him that he has his father's smile, his intelligence, and most importantly, his courage. Marcus has seen pictures of his father, a tall slim man with glasses similar to those Marcus has actually. Marcus found peace and comfort in the books he read, an escape from reality and into a fantasy world of knights and dragons or gnomes or witches and vampires. He never actually believed any of that stuff, all just stuff within his books.
That all changed when he was reading a book he found a sticky note in the very back which read "Use as last resort" and underneath that red a little chant, summoning spell that went:

"Atthenrobendum eos,
ad consiendrum,ad ligandum eos,
potiter et solvendum, et ad."

It didn't look like English to Marcus, so he decided to do his own research on the foreign language himself. It took him a long while before he finally came to realize it was a demonic spell to summon a demon formally known as Alzabar. Marcus tried his best to do some research on this demon, barely anything popped up but the words "Use as last resort" over and over again. Marcus was curious, awfully curious. Now, Marcus didn't have anything important to summon a demon for, but he did need to reach this one book on the top shelf of the library that nobody would help him grab.
Marcus grabbed the tickey note and set up a few candles in a circle in a dark room.
He shouted as he accidentally burnt himself with the lighter as he lit the last candle of the circle. He sat and let blood drip from his fingertip into the middle of the candles. He started to say the chant

"Atthenrobendum eos,
ad consiendrum, ummm-- ad ligandum eos,
potiter- uh- et solvendum, et ad."

He finally finished. Nothing happened for less than a second before a light beam shot up from the middle of the candles, it blasted straight up through the roof and looked like it reached the heavens almost.
Marcus jumped back quickly, feeling the intense heat from the beam
"Holy hell!"
He yelled as he could almost feel himself becoming sunburnt in a matter of seconds from it. The beam turned a dark red then quickly to a dark black and exploded up in the sky. As the black beam diminished a man seemingly levitating above the ground appears. He has slicked back black hair, black antlers with white at the tips of them both, along with a dark red tuxedo and black pants and shiny black dress shoes. His eyes were a blood red colour, almost matching his tuxedo.
"Wassup, i'm Alzabar. Were you the one who summoned me?"
He nonchalantely asked Marcus who was clearly scared out of his mind, trying to process what he thought previously to be fake and just fantasy.
Alzabar waved his hand in front of Marcus as he said, to get hi attention. Marcus glanced around a bit before looking back up at Alzabar. His heart was pounding as he was taking sharp breaths and trying to calm his heart from the sudden adrenaline rush within him.
Marcus said, confirming to Alzabar that he is the one who summoned him. Alzabar raised a brow.
"What's up with you? You look like you've seen a ghost"
He remarked on. Marcus panted a bit.
"W-what!? Y-you're a demon!! How can i--w-what?? No. I'm crazy--"
"Woah there, kid. Slow down."
Alzabar added as he grabbed Marcus' wrists to get him to calm down.
Marcus yelled as he quickly and frantically yanked his wrists back away from the tall, thin demon. Alzabar stood back up tall, standing at least 6'5, with Marcus only being 5'4, there was quite a noticable height difference between the two of them. Despite Marcus sitting on his butt on the ground and Alzabar looking down at him with a bright, twisted, overly happy smile on his face that scared Marcus even more. Alzabar's razorblade sharp teeth made Marcus gasp from shock.
"y-you are--"
"I am what?"
"Not f-from a book. I got this--"spell" from a book a-and i didn't think it was real and i didn't think anything would happen but something did so i guess i was wrong but yeah i didn't--"
Marcus started to stumble and choke on his words before Alzabar cut him off
"Take some breaths, kid. I'm a demon named Alzabar. Lucifer's assitant down within the nine circles of Hell."
Alzbar sid as he put his index finger to Marcus's mouth to get him to shut up and calm down.
Marcus nodded and just took some deep breaths to himself for a few minutes until he could focus.

"Here-..Hello, Alzabar. I'm Marcus."

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