I took a walk out the other day; it was raining; the pain washed over my carefully lain sandbags
My feet grew soggy in the memories of you while my mind raced over thoughts of the past
Drops of rain connecting with the tears I shed as the chill fills the space where memory lags
Arching color ahead, like hope that the rain, like the pain in my soul, may not forever last
I hear distant rumbles of thunder; is the sky also sad or is it that it is angry; we commiserate
Walking together holding hands with the rain drops; a mutual understanding of the storm
We understand now that we are the same, the rain and I, and that our storm will dissipate
The pounding in our heads and steady torrents of sadness must not destroy our form
The leaves on the trees heavy with wet; their backs bent in that battle well fought defeat
Shuddering under the light breeze unable to shake the grief the storm has brought their way
At some point as is the way, we shall both break free of our tree and life from us retreat
But before that time we wish for a sunny day and gentle breeze to chase the storm away
Puddles are areas of concern for me; each holds mysteries within as they gather depth
I avoid them as often as I can but this storm may force me to traverse through one
Knowledge that all things must come to an end fills my mind as I carefully and decisively step
I realize that without the rain or the leaves, others to understand my angst, would be none
I took to embrace the storm for it brought me unlikely friends in this time of difficulty
I am not alone and never was, though not until I walked directly into the storm did I truly know
I am still grieving, but I smile now as I stand in the pouring rain, because now I can see
Through the thunder and rising puddles that I am not alone; all things suffer that grow...