When I Look Out Into The World

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When you look out into the world, what do you see?
I'll bet you see the terror—the monster under your bed, all the bad things, all the bad people—you see the nightmares.
The nightmares of the people in the streets.
The nightmares of the kids who've been treated poorly.
The nightmares of people who deserve much, much better.
And you see yourself, in the midst of it.

When I look out into the world, I see the beauty.
I see the love—the ever-flowing love, the random acts of kindness, the people with stars in their eyes and galaxies for minds, all the good things, all the good people—the reality we're blessed with.
The dreams that dreamers chase.
The moments I'm caught in the wind's embrace.
The sweet tang in the air after it rains.
The sharp scent like seeing eyes of a striking color when it's night.
The people with souls pure as purity itself.
The dust on the road, and the puddles in the tarmac, and the heaviness in the air in spring.
I see excitement on strangers' faces and feel a smile creeping onto my lips.
And I see myself, in the midst of all this.

The truth you may not see, is that there are three paths that you walk.
There is the path of Death; a path walked by most people—who choose to focus on the bad that goes on in this world.
There is the path of Possibility; a path walked by a good bit of people—who chose to walk on the line between the good and the bad, who see, but do not focus.
There is the path of Life; a path walked by few people, for most of us are running—running because everything is so exciting and joyful, for we've chosen to focus on the good and the positivity in this world.

There are some people that walk alongside these paths, and some that don't walk anywhere near them, and that is fine.
But for each path, a message is written.
Death is no fool—but good things do happen, so cherish those things deeply until the next good thing happens.
Possibility gives us responsibility—but do not sacrifice your youthful wishes, for they are sacred.
Life is not a child—but their innocence will speak otherwise, so celebrate both their wisdom and their antics.

When I look out into the world, I see the beauty in all paths, but I see the most beauty in the one I'm treading, because it is the one I find most appealing.

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